
Battle Mug Introduces the Travel Incendiary Transport System


Battle Mug has just introduced the first 50 of the M56 Travel Incendiary Transport Systems on their website.

Designed as the ultimate tactical cigar case, the aluminum M56 is made in America, and features O-rings on both caps to insure nothing gets in, or out of your T.I.T.S. It also makes the perfect companion for your Battle Mug as it can be attached to a Picatinny rail via 30mm scope rings. Way cooler than a spare M4 carrying handle.


Yes guys, it’s all in good fun. Try it some time.


6 Responses to “Battle Mug Introduces the Travel Incendiary Transport System”

  1. Cardiac says:

    Hmm. Not typically what I picture when I hear the term “Tits on glass,” but it still works.

    • Cardiac says:

      On a more serious note though, what’s the inner diameter/length? I’m assuming it will accommodate the more common ring gauges and lengths.

  2. reverend says:

    That’s a BRILLIANT “pub mug”! Holds your smokes, and brew. Plus? Conversation piece!

  3. Haji says:

    Since that’s an ARMS ring, that must be the vaunted “soft mount” on the Battle Mug.

  4. Stefan S says:

    TSA approved? LOL!