SureFire XC3

Kyle Defoor on the Salewa Alpine Trainer Mid

Kyle Defoor has taken a good hard look at the Salewa Alpine Trainers and, like me, he recommends them.


Read his review at

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8 Responses to “Kyle Defoor on the Salewa Alpine Trainer Mid”

  1. Austin says:

    Glad to see them getting some more recognition. Can’t wait to see the new line-up at OR this week.

  2. Nick says:

    I picked up a pair of the Alp Trainers around 3 months ago after reading about Salewa on SSD while searching for a good pair of boots to replace an old pair.

    They’re a great product. and I’ve had the same results as Kyle’s review details. Get a pair if you’re in the market for some extremely versatile boots; you won’t be disappointed.

  3. Matt says:

    Boots look good and all the reviwes say great things about them, but are they really worth $200??

    • Nick says:

      I got mine at Eastern Mountain Sports and they told me that if I didn’t like them that I could return them no questions asked… I haven’t returned them. I think that they’re worth the $200, but boots are never one-size-fits-all deal.

    • Nick says:

      I got mine at Eastern Mountain Sports and they told me that if I didn’t like them that I could return them no questions asked… I haven’t returned them. I think that they’re worth the $200, but boots are never one-size-fits-all deal.

      I ran 10 miles in them the day after I picked them up and didn’t even come away with a single blister, which was impressive to say the least (the lack of blisters, not the running).

  4. James says:

    Always wanted a pair of Salewa but they run a little narrow

    • Eric says:

      My “high volume” feet that are better suited for stopping a car in Bedrock fit in the Salewa Alp Trainers perfectly. Try them, you’ll like them. Just use the upper part of the insole, not the lower part. I found that gives me plenty of room. (Yes, I know the lower yellow insole bit is pretty thin, but it does make a difference). Salewa makes a great booth and approach shoe.

      • mike says:

        I have the same problem. Working somewhere that sells them, I often tell customers about the long list of features that make these awesome boots. Talking to customers who have returned after long deployments wearing them for work makes me even more confident in how they hold up. I never got a pair because they run narrow, but I’ve been hearing more and more how they break-in awesomely and alleviate many of those fit problems. I’m going to bite the bullet and try a pair.