RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

INFORCE Announces WML Lumen Upgrade

INFORCE has announced a lumen upgrade for the Picatinny Rail compatible Weapon Mounted Light.


North Kingstown, RI – Emissive Energy Corp. Effective immediately, the INFORCE WML Rifle/Carbine lights will be upgraded to a higher illumination level.

WML White/IR

The WML White/IR will be increased from 125 lumens to 175 lumens with a 90 minutes runtime from a single 123 Lithium battery. It will also provide 75 mW of infrared light by using the side mounted, mode selection switch. The WML White/IR operates without IR filters. The WML produces penetrating, white light with a tight beam for close to mid-range applications and balanced peripheral light for discernment of surrounding areas. Features include field- programmable white light – from high-to-low or low-to-high – plus a strobe that is easily disabled. Its angled activation button is comfortable to operate without interference of wires or tape switches. The integrated, patent pending, rail clamping system is compact, and secure. Waterproof to 66 feet. Two distinct easy-to-operate lockout systems are incorporated to avoid accidental discharge. MIL-STD-810G certified.

WML White

The WML White will be increased from 125 lumens to 200 lumens with a run time of 90 minutes from a single 123 Lithium battery. The WML produces penetrating, white light with a tight beam for close to mid-range applications and balanced peripheral light for discernment of surrounding areas. Features include field-programmable white light – from high-to-low or low-to-high – plus a strobe that is easily disabled. Its angled activation button is comfortable to operate without interference of wires or tape switches. The integrated, patent pending, rail clamping system is compact, and secure. Waterproof to 66 feet. Two distinct easy-to-operate lockout systems are incorporated to avoid accidental discharge. MIL-STD-810G certified.



17 Responses to “INFORCE Announces WML Lumen Upgrade”

  1. Adam says:

    Still hard to beat Surefire’s U Boat.

    • Haji says:

      Both of ’em. I got a M600 Uboat a while ago, makes my previous Scout light look anemic by comparison.

  2. Matt says:

    500 Lumens please!

    Up the WML to a 2 123A tube and call it good!

    • VF Gunrunners says:

      Not trying to start notthing I love surefire and INFORCE but have an 9vx 300 lumens with new reflector and a surefire 300x ultra 500 lumens and to me the 9vx was brighter could just be me and my eyes

      Have not compared it to my 6vx, wml or APL yet

    • VF Gunrunners says:

      Maybe im comparing apples to oranges I will try 9vx vs to a bigger surefire

  3. John says:

    A carbine light? Inforce is behind the curve. They need at least 400 lumen with a smooth spill. It’s a VERY small fraction that want/need a single (3v) light on a carbine and even that should be 200+ lumen.

  4. Chris K. says:

    Based on sales I would say plenty of people prefer Inforce for carbines. Great lights that are lightweight and innovative.

  5. defensor fortisimo says:

    There have been articles on this in the past, but the smaller lumens is intentional. The idea is that in the environments you are likely to use your light, a huge beam can potentially spill over, or reflect off something and compromise your position. By keeping it tight and white, it excels in urban environments.

    That’s awesome they upgraded the models, I just wish their was a way to do the same for those of us who already own one

  6. JSGlock34 says:

    Great! I’ll take one of these upgraded models in FDE. Where are they in stock?

  7. Defebsor has it right. More lumens isn’t always the solution.

    • Squirreltactical says:

      Agree completely. I still can’t think of a situation where a spotlight on your weapon is appropriate. Maybe in the LEO community? But even then, it seems you’re going to be shining your light at a lot of things you DON’T want to shoot…

      • defensor fortisimo says:

        One scenario where having more lumens is an advantage is when you’re working in an open area like a field and you’re looking for a specific threat, but that’s one where a high intensity hand held light, (such as, while we’re shamelessly promoting inforce, their 6vx or 9vx) performs admirably.

  8. JSGlock34 says:

    Seems like this is just bringing the entire WML lineup up to the Haley Strategic Partners (HSP) light specs. Will the HSP light get a lumen boost?

  9. mitori says:

    I don’t want 500 lumens. 200 is the sweet spot.

  10. Luke says:

    I’m pretty happy with 200. I’m also glad there is a single battery super light tac light on the market. bought the APL and will certainly buy one of these.

  11. Alex says:

    I was gonna say, but someone beat me to it, but it does look like they brought the regular WML up to the HSP specs. I have the HSP model and like it very much and find it perfect for my uses. Others may want more lumens but i am perfectly content.

  12. Mohican says:

    I got excited about the announcement till I read they are upgrading to just 200 lumens. I thought they will get to 500 lumens to catch up competitors. So they have work to do if they want to reach the same level as others. Hurry up or when you upgrade to 500 SureFire will be in 800.