GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

“Caption This” Contest


Caption this US Air Force photo of CSAF Gen Mark Welsh III during a recent visit to PACAF. I saw it and figured there’s some pure comedy gold out there. The winner will receive a Keep Calm – Return Fire Patch and have my admiration.

To enter:

1. In the comments section of THIS article on SSD share your caption. Only entries here are eligible to win.

2. Comments are open from now until 0001 Zulu on 30 August 2013.

3. Use any alias you want to post but be sure to use a valid email address since that’s how we’ll contact the winner.

4. 1 winner will be selected from the comments we receive. It will be the best caption, in our opinion.

5. One entry per email address. We will delete entries that violate this policy.

6. Must be 18 to enter. Void where prohibited.

221 Responses to ““Caption This” Contest”

  1. Bussaca says:

    “Wow, it’s that old and we still haven’t been able to feild these with an optic?”

    “SrA: That’s right sir, you haven’t”

  2. Bussaca says:

    Pictured is the M2 Machine Gun. 5 Air force command staff personnel were going to demonstrate it’s operation for the press, but the Air Force’s camoflaige was so effective they could not be seen to give the presentation.

  3. Drew says:


  4. Cory McCarty says:



  5. RLN says:

    “Blue to Green, here I come!”

  6. Fluffy says:

    So where is the button for stealth mode?

  7. jmac says:

    “Reach around god dammit, someone give me reach around”.

  8. Guy Mandude says:

    Next up on the tour is dangling a set of keys just out of his reach until the General gets all tuckered out and takes a nap.

  9. James says:

    Yes Sir, it really does make quite a racket

  10. Aaron says:

    Sweet blank adapter…

  11. bulldog76 says:

    General: I NEED TO GET ONE OF THESE !!!

  12. Resabed says:

    One in four bullets is strawberry ice-cream!

  13. charge5 says:

    (4-star) Ratatatatatat! Ratatatatat! HaHa! I feel like a badass soldier! How do you start this thing?

    (SrA) No clue sir, but theres a National Guard unit down the road, they may have a manual.

  14. Chechen says:

    “Where’s my secretary to pull the trigger for me…. and a cup of coffee and a doughnut!”

  15. jonathan0402 says:

    Pew! Pew! Pew! This is just like Call of Duty!

  16. Resabed says:

    Do I take it, sir, that you are threatening a brother officer with a gun?

  17. Markus says:

    “you are never too old to have fun”

  18. Geoff says:

    “Hold my beer and watch this…”

    • reverend says:

      Sh’t. I’ve actually said that before… Calling some of us out, eh?! HAHAHA

  19. Whit says:

    “He he he he. See if you sequester my budget again!”

  20. KDS372 says:

    There I was…M2…blank adapter…indoors….

  21. Steve says:

    “And you’re SURE no one will be able to tell they’re blanks in the picture? I really need some street cred with Joint Chiefs…”

  22. El Jorge says:

    Airman: “Sir, this new high powered, long range laser pointer system is designed to look like a REAL GUN! The bullets are really batteries this new laser pointer needs for you to give powerpoint briefings from the Pentagon all the way to Afganistan and even Syria!”

    General: “I LOVE IT!, cancel the latest version AF uniform aquasition and procure 5! Imagine the micromanagement possibilities!”

  23. Chris says:

    If I knew this what my doctor meant when he said I would be shooting blanks after my “procedure” I would not have avoided it for so long.

  24. reverend says:

    How many airmen does it take in the Air Force to run a .50 cal? 6, one General to pull the trigger, one to encourage him, three to sit directly behind in case he falls over, and one WAY in the back thinking “it’s a BLANK ADAPTER YOU ASSES!”

  25. Ken says:

    SrA: Show the General how to operate the M2 = Promotion to SSG!

    Gen: Does this mean I get my AFCAM now?

    SrA: Wut?

  26. At ’em boys, Give ‘er the gun! (Give ‘er the gun now!)

  27. Derby says:

    “This is cool! I have been missing out, should have joined the Army.”

  28. bill says:

    PEW, PEW, PEW, got those stinking taliban.
    Uh sir… those are blanks

  29. Kuhlbreeze says:

    Airman: Sir, how do you distinguish the civilians from the enemy?

    General: Those moving are Taliban. Those not moving are well disciplined Taliban.

  30. MC says:

    Like a kitten with a ball of yarn…

  31. FLC says:

    “An Airforce four star General Who has probably flown more hours in aircraft above the speed of sound is still amiused by a 50cal. You can’t take the boy out of the man….” Awesome…

  32. TMedina says:

    Who needs Viagra?

  33. Brendan Smith says:

    Ya think I can hit that guy who invented these stupid uniforms?

  34. Zach says:

    After just receiving his fourth star the General was very conscious of his position as the airman was walking up and wanted to seem as though he was actually important. The General berated the airman for interrupting him while he was effectively putting rounds on target at nearly 800 meters. The General then rudely asked “What is it you need Airman?” The Airman replied, “Oh nothing too important sir, I’m just here to switch out the blanks that you’re shooting with FMJ’s.

  35. Thom says:

    Holy Crap! Does this come in PINK!

  36. JonE says:

    “The expression on your face when you play on Easy Mode”

  37. Mac says:

    “Can this be mounted on an airplane?”

  38. Reklaw says:

    Someone up there has to prove that women can make it in SOF…

  39. Ghillie Zen says:

    Baaad ass!! Get me one these mommas mounted on my golf cart, pronto!!

  40. CWolf says:

    “Hey guys, this thing is getting hot! We better crank up the air conditioners.”

  41. Sierra Foxtrot says:

    “A little to the left, honey!”

  42. Victor says:

    Who says men don’t get toys for Christmas?

  43. Jim Colon says:

    Airmen, bring my ex-wifes car to the firing line.

  44. snukattack says:

    “This is by far the most fun button I’ve pushed in my entire 32 years in the Air Force”

  45. doctrent says:

    “Lieutenant, stand down there and hold this up.”

  46. GearHeadPatriot says:

    Momma Welch got noth’n on Ma Deuce!

  47. Mac says:


  48. Jabberwocky says:

    It’s been this way ever since the vasectomy… havin’ fun and shootin’ blanks…

  49. Austin says:

    Sir, I believe the correct term is “Brraaap!”

  50. 2-137OPS says:

    “Fine shot sir! Yes sir you sure are hitting the hell out of that target!”
    [“Quick someone get down there and poke a shit load of holes in that thing!”]