SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Commo Section – 3ID LRS


I’m in this circa 1989 photo with the guys I served with in the Commo Section of D Co (LRS), 103rd MI Bn (CEWI), 3 ID. It was taken as we assumed PZ posture before a patrolling exercise. I’m still in touch with a few of you but if you’re in this photo, contact me. I’d love to hear from you.

4 Responses to “Commo Section – 3ID LRS”

  1. Mark Wolf says:

    I was In B Co in the GSR section 1988-1990 we shared a barracks

  2. Mike B. says:

    Not int he photo but remember you and the teams..

  3. FLC says:

    Ah the old Lightweight GTX rain jacket.. good stuff…

  4. Anthony Redmon says:

    Hi! I was in the commo section in 1990. I am looking for the UIC for the unit and can’t find it anywhere. For some reason 103rd is not on my ERB and I need to add it. Would you happen to have it or know where I can get it? Ohhh and just so you know I am legit.. SGT Pollard was my NCOIC.