GORE-Tex Professional

AUSA – GuardBot Inc


The Spherical Amphibious Robot System looks like something the BC comic strip character Thor would have invented had his timeline been long enough.


The SARS does looks like a wheel with cameras (or other sensors) on either side but but that’s where the similarity ends. Unlike the BC wheel, SARS is amphibious and is propelled by an internal pendulum to control the center of gravity meaning forward and rearward movement as well as 360 Deg turns. It can be manually operated or preprogrammed with a GPS track and rolls along, in virtual silence. It offers about 4-6 hours of endurance and a top speed of 6mph on land and 4 mph on water. Finally, SARS can negotiate a 30 Deg slope.



4 Responses to “AUSA – GuardBot Inc”

  1. Jones says:

    Is this “rubber”? See new corny ass b movie where a tire rolls through the Midwest killing with psychic powers.

  2. SGT Rock says:

    Awesome! Remote recon/robotic explosive delivery device.

  3. JES says:

    I am not a number, I am a free man!

  4. bradkaf308 says:
