AT Series by 5.11 Tactical




6 Responses to “GLOCK SHOT Show Tease”

  1. Chris K. says:

    Single stack, anyone?

  2. See Bowl says:

    I am going to say it is a .380. They make a Euro Glock .380 however I am guessing this will be one built in America and maybe something new in design.

    Or maybe they are finally coming out with a carbine. 😉 Can’t wait to see.

  3. John says:

    Apparently it was already released on Glocktalk that it’ll be a single .380 and a long slide .45 IIRC.

    • Haji says:

      The .45 long slide I would be interested in. The .380 or a single stack 9mm are complete meh to me. I have three G19’s that fill that role more than adequately all year around. However, I have no doubt they’ll sell a bunch of ’em.

  4. NOLA says:
