GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Haley Strategic Partners Unveils D3 Combat Uniforms


Offered as a collaboration between the Platatac Special Projects Team, the Haley Strategic Design Group and Australian Special Operations Forces, the D3 Combat Uniform. In this initial run, HSP offers limited sizing but has brought in not only Coyote, but also Kryptek Highlander, Mandrake and Typhon. The Coyote is in a 100% cotton and the Kryptek variants in 50/50 NYCO.


D3 Shirt
-Airmesh Shoulders to promote cooling and support when using packs/armor
-2x Velcro Pockets on Sleeves with Velcro Hook and Loop for Patches and IFF
-Layered zipper pockets on Sleeve Pockets
-Slots for Internal Velcro-in Elbow pads (Removable – Not Included)
-Zippered Collar
-Velcro Cuffs
-Hook and loop tab blousing
-Medium Regular [33-37″]
-Large Regular [37-41″]

D3 Pant
-Schoeller® Nanosphere® 4-way stretch fabric around the knees, yoke and groin
-Take-in tabs on the waist, knees and ankles
-Zippered fly
-Dual hip pockets
-Rear pockets with button flap
-Dual front utility pockets
-Dual large thigh bellows pockets
-Lower leg pockets
-Tapered cut for athletic performance
-Padded biased cut waist for increased user comfort
-Reinforced seat
-Double stitched and bartacked in major stress zones
-Hook and loop tab blousing
-Medium Regular [31-35″ Waist – 29-32″ Inseam]
-Large Regular [35-39″ Waist – 29-32″ Inseam]


Canadian customers can purchase the D3 Combat Uniform through Rampart International.

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69 Responses to “Haley Strategic Partners Unveils D3 Combat Uniforms”

  1. Y.T. says:

    Chinese airsoft knockoff in 3….2….1…

    • Eric F says:


    • SShink says:

      They’re already Crye combat pant knock-offs. That’d make it a knock-off of a knock-off.

      • Zulu Papa says:

        In this case Haley is knocking off the chinese who knocked off CP, then started making their own unique designs.

        http://www.ur-tactical.com/ has been selling shirts and pants with those ribbed knee and elbow pads for years.

        • Sparrow51 says:

          Platatac are the only brand I know of who use airmesh padding on the shoulders of their shirts.

        • 404953C says:

          Actually, the story of these pants is not as simple as many of you make it out to be. These are essentially the latest mod of a combat pant built/designed by Platatac. These pants came about because when the Aussies, Kiwis and Brit SOF needed Combat Uniforms and the main supplier in the US was not able to support them.

          Men from these units had specific requirements and modifications to the uniform, which were implemented and produced by Platatac. HSP entered the picture about 1 year ago when we were looking for a shop that could provide us Kryptek uniforms for field testing. Platatac provided several samples of their pants in the fabric.

          The UR Tactical pants/shirts Zulu refers to are direct knock offs of the Platatac design.

          Our guys had a few more minor adjustments that were passed onto Platatac and then produced for our instructor(s) and some of our customers. We ran these as part of an order for some of those customers and then offered a limited number to the general populace since there had been massive interest and no other vendor offering a combat uniform in the pattern.

          Calling them a knock off is like calling Daniel Defense, Larue and BCM knock-offs of Armalite and Colt. But YMMV

          • WTF says:

            That is more complicated. Someone else stole the idea from CP and Platatac stole it from them. Well that makes it okay then.

          • Gator says:

            I understand what your saying about the AR platform, Larue, BCM, Noveske, etc. have all taken the Armalite product and raised the bar though. There are a lot of companies who have duplicated the combat top. Most are all sold at a far cheaper price than the original Crye. Which brings me to the question. How have you raised the bar enough to sell your product at a higher price than the original Crye Precision. Not trying to be a troll, just looking for an explanation.

            • SSD says:

              This is all business. Platatac has to make a profit and they are an Australian business which isn’t cheap to run. Then, they have to ship fabric from the US to Australia to make the stuff and then ship the finished goods back and pay customs. Then, HSP is a business too and they have to make their cut. It all adds up.

            • 404953C says:

              I believe we(HSP/Platatac) have improved both over the Crye pieces or we wouldn’t put our names on it. We’ve been using the stuff for almost a year now and some of the issues (like blown out crotches and popping knee pads) seem to have been solved within the lifetime of the pants.

              It’s also made in a western democratic nation where people are paid a decent wage for their work. I’ve been to the Platatac sew shop and those sewers are good people who spend a lot of time on each piece. It’s not a sweatshop. There’s no child labor, etc. so no, the price isn’t cheaper.

              These uniforms have been fielded in Afghanistan for some time by Aussie, Kiwi and Brit SOF and they have held up. It’s not something made for Airsofters by child laborers in Southeast Asia.

              Again, in terms of being a “stolen” design, there’s no question Crye led the way to something better with their combat pants and combat shirts. That doesn’t make every other combat pant and shirt “stolen”. Or maybe it does. That’s for the individual to decide.

              • Gator says:

                Sounds good, I will be buying a set. Thanks for the response.

                • Gator says:

                  And I haven’t used the words stolen at all in my comments. Hopefully that was meant for the other comments being made. I understand how business works.

              • Zulu Papa says:

                Oh I didn’t say anything about the design of the shirts or pants.. just the joint protection. The ribbed design used by both UR and now Haley is a great upgrade on the original CP design.

                These days it looks like everyone seems to take a design from a competitor that they likes, replicates and tries to improve it. And the only reason why I commented at all was Y.T’s comment about the chinese knocking off this new uniform from Haley.

                I could point out a MM design that Platatac has already, show we say… replicated and improved upon 😉

          • Tetsuo says:

            UR-Tactical have made their Crye knock off combat pads in a variety of colors including black since late 2007 (which appear to be identical to your own). When did you first start making your pads again? Prior to 2007?

            I’m not hating on your design. I quite like it. But if you copied something, just own it.

  2. Seifer says:

    Kryptek Peafowl Pattern

  3. Echelon7 says:

    Seriously? what a joke..that mandrake pattern (from experience) stands out like a sore thumb..sorry guys but my mate had these on and was well hidden except that pattern jumped straight out. For people like me who are used to animal patterns such as reptiles,this is what we notice first so as to not get bitten..

    • bulldog76 says:

      umm where were these test carried out at just wondering i mind you ….. and also this isnt mandrake its highlander

  4. Everyone Else says:

    man they really dropped the ball with the elbow pads on that Typhon shirt

  5. Gator says:

    These pants I am sure are great pants, Haley endorsed products usually are. But I am let down that these appear to be Crye pants in Kryptex patterns. Great if your wanting that camo pattern. But as someone who thinks G3 Crye is the best thing going, I am looking for someone to come out with something better. If the uniform is going to duplicate Crye, then atleast beat their price. Hopefully I am wrong and I am missing something.

  6. tom says:

    its crye but its more expensive! this is a worse move then the beyond tactical guys! should be $100 flat!

  7. X 18 says:

    Schooler material is superior stuff and ain’t cheap- in quality.

  8. Kango says:

    4″ waist increments is a lot especially if you fall in the low or high end number.

    • straps says:

      Clearly for Travis-sized and maybe slightly larger.

      My wallet thanks them for not doing “Long” sizes.

  9. James Taylor says:

    Again, WOW!

    They should stick to comic books and tactical sun screen.

  10. Disruptive Integrity says:

    So much for Haley’s motto of not doing “me too” products.

    I guess that does not apply to direct rip-offs.

  11. Ron Dignard says:

    do they come with knee and elbow pads? or buy seperate?

    • Sparrow51 says:

      Definitely separate. I believe both Platatac and Crye pads can be used.

    • 404953C says:

      They are sold separately. We recommend the Crye knee pads. They are pretty much the only game in town for these kinds of pants.

  12. MattF says:

    Am digging the Coyote Brown, and wish more clothing companies would offer Coyote.

    • ScottV says:

      Can’t echo this enough. I asked DropZone Tactical, and they said they’re having trouble getting apparel grade coyote.

  13. Tom says:

    Wish these people (companies and such) would stop using cotton. Such a shitty fabric for tactical (or any physically strenuous) application.

    • Bman says:

      Cotton is the most breathable fabric I know of. Its also soft and non-melting. While it is not perfect, I work out in cotton shirts, shorts, pants all the time and BUDS students still wear cotton everyday in their intense training also believe the brits had cotton jungle uniforms because of the breathability. Not saying cotton is great but it isnt that bad either. I want to try UA charged cotton or more jersey knit cotton perhaps with Outlast Smart Fabric treatment. Im sure someone will beat me to developing a combat shirt with qualities.

    • SSD says:

      Cotton has its place. It’s pretty great in hot/dry environments.

      • Tom says:

        I completely disagree. Cotton absorbs moisture instead of wicking it, so in the heat it can actually be more dangerous since your skin cools by evaporation of sweat, not by the presence of it. Another thing that sucks is its heat retention; its almost nonexistent, so wearing it in the winter compounds the problem of wet clothing and can exacerbate hypothermia.

        Cotton is great for casual wear, it is very comfortable, but for any strenuous application its horrible. We just use it all the time because its a staple of our fabric industry, its cheap, and its comfortable in most conditions.

        What you really need is something along the lines of Merino Wool, Polypro (newest generation that doesn’t melt), or some other synthetics that wick moisture and are passive with heat/cold weather. The Nyco would be the way to go here in this set, shame its not in CB.

        • SSD says:

          NYCO is a crap fabric as is polypropylene,

        • Lev says:

          Tom, your first paragraph manages to be incorrect yet almost intriguingly based on contradiction (bravo!) and i recommend you study evaporative cooling and heat-related illness in more depth (o ye who have not experienced the joy of even the gentlest breeze upon sweat-dampened cotton on a scorching day in the desert). Your 2d paragraph is pure platitude, and tiresome…please stop. Regarding the final thrutch of your screed, i can only concur that both nyco and polypro have had their day and that day thankfully passed long ago. So we are left to share common cause in the joys of Thanksgiving, time with family and friends and our appreciation of merino fabric.

          • Mateo says:

            “o ye who have not experienced the joy of even the gentlest breeze upon sweat-dampened cotton on a scorching day in the desert).”

            Yes & Amen!

  14. Tremis says:

    Am I the only guy in the world who thinks Kryptek looks…silly?
    I remember seeing guys put crocheted doilies on their rifles before painting them to get a camo pattern. Then a year or two later Kryptek makes a camo pattern that also looks like crocheted doilies were used as the pattern. I still will call it doilyflauge 🙂

  15. Sparrow51 says:

    Since these are made Platatac (it is their Special Projects Cool Under Tactical Shirt & Tac Dax Special Projects Ripstop Pants), I’ll wait for them to become availble here in Australia.

    You can still see the Platatac branding on the elbow and knee pads, and the grey tag on the righ cargo pocket of the Typhon pants.

  16. Alden says:

    Hey look new Crye stuff !!!.. Oh wait ………

  17. Paladin says:

    I have so much want for these. Kryptek Mandrake is a perfect fit for my local environment too 😀

  18. Craig P says:

    Platatac must have a lot riding on this, if this fails the “Special projects team” may not ever recover!

  19. berk says:

    wow, I have never seen so many Crye employees in one place before….

    still disappointed they don’t offer long lengths in the pants. regular would be nothing but tactical clam diggers on me.

  20. Bez says:

    CRYE G3 COMBAT PANTS: 202.00
    HSP D3 COMBAT PANTS: 210.00

    CRYE G3 COMBAT SHIRT: 156.60
    HSP D3 COMBAT SHIRT: 160.00

    COLT 6920: $1000
    LARUE PredatAR: $1600
    LMT DEFENDER: $1300

    So where is the issue?? Everything is the g0d d^mn same yet you want to knit pick about some stupid clothing. There is no innovation in the world of shooting… it’s a copy of a copy of a copy

    Suck it up

  21. Patrick D'hont says:

    If you go and see on there website the first picture is when he kneels on the ground.
    See how much the kneepad is up.

    What is the use of a kneepad if you kneel and it doens’t protect the knee??

    Looks great…but the “upper kneepads” just make this a “no go”. I don’t see wasting that much money on a pants where the kneepads are of no use.

  22. Bill Oddy says:

    I m in the Uk and can confirm this gear is not being used by British Army or SF!

    It was trialled against Crye and failed, no where near as good.

    Someone has their facts wrong stating it’s being used by British SOF.

    • Teapot says:

      It is in limited use in some units. Definitely not widespread, though.

      • Bill Oddy says:

        Sorry Teapot but you are misinformed, it is not in use in the UK.

        If by limited use you mean one or two guys maybe but not in the Units that is claimed.

  23. Bencito says:

    There is no debate crye precision turned the tactical clothing and soft good industry on its head. Rightly so they protected the IP ( the knee pads ) irrespective of how you want to describe it this the uniforms have copied the knee pads. I am not going to split hair over other design features on the garments illustrated but that is the fact. They have copied the knee pad’s.
    I will not buy the products purely because it isn’t right, crye came up with this innovation they spent money prototyping it and researching it and finally protecting it. I enjoy wearing trousers withought wearing those awfull skate board knee pad type things we had to wear before. I feel in this case we should show some loyalty. Otherwise where do we draw the line with this?.

    • SSD says:

      I am going to point out that Platatac does not manufacture knee pads.

      • Sparrow51 says:

        Actually, they have their own version. Platatac’s version isn’t like Crye’s AirFlex pads, but if if you can see the platypus skull in the ribbed pads, it’s from Platatac.

        I own a pair of Platatac’s Tac Dax Special Projects Ripstop pants, with the pads, and I do like them a lot. So I’m sure these pants, and whichever pads people want to use, everyone will be very happy with them. I’m looking forward to getting the Typhon and Mandrake versions when Platatac have finished making them here in Australia.

        • SSD says:

          Ya know, this is the first time I had seen the Platatac pads. I didn’t even pay attention to them in the photos as I knew that the uniforms were being sold without pads.

  24. Bencito says:

    SSD, that may be, but it is there logo on the knee pads. Is it not ?

  25. Kaoskydexsolutions says:

    The sets from HSP do not come with pads, but the preorder that Platatac offered before does include the pads.

  26. Mike N says:

    I am UK based and have trialled most of the ‘allegedly’ high end combat clothing, in a wide variety of environments. My summary – Crye Precision lead the way in quality (form, fit, function, build) – and they appear to be the trend setters in this arena. Platatac is ‘OK’, but why buy it when you can get the real thing (Crye) for the same price – and in my humble opinion, its better in all areas. I accept that in this industry, the likes of Crye will always be copied (a good thing as it keeps the market leaders on their toes and forces innovation), but why buy a copy……if you want Armani Jeans, you don’t buy Adibok!

  27. jjj0309 says:

    Yeah babies, Crye some more!

  28. Will says:

    Maybe I’m just confused or behind the times. Who is buying a combat uniform in Kryptek? Are there still that many PMCs in AFG that want to look different? Maybe PMCs in Africa.

    I guess I just don’t see where the market for $450 uniforms in an off patern is outside of well heeled airsofter’s and Tactical Timmies. Anyone want to clue me in?