
You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up


I spent last week in San Antonio visiting with Hodge Defense. Naturally, I had to take a little time to see the sights. One thing that is a must-see is the Menger Hotel Bar. It’s one of the recruiting sites for the 1st United States Volunteer Cavalry aka Roosevelt’s Rough Riders. Apparently, TR would stand at the end of the bar and recruit the men, with enlistment documents being signed upstairs in the bar ‘s loft. The Menger is also the site of the first demonstration and sale of barbed wire in 1876 which ended the free range era.

If you’re ever in San Antonio, make sure you drop by the Menger Hotel. It’s right across the street from the Alamo.

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3 Responses to “You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up”

  1. Mont says:

    My unit needs to do some TDY at Fort Sam then for “training” and go check this place out. Animo Et Fide!

  2. Kawika.357 says:

    Great Bloody Mary’s at that place!