RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Costa Media Group Presents “Easy Day”

Today is the debut of Costa Media Group’s new mini-series, “Easy Day”. Since this is a gear website, we’d like to take you behind the scenes with a look at the gear used in the mini-series.

The video was directed by Shawn Nelson, who put together the “Into The Breach” video for Crye Precision a few months back. Additionally, Isaac Marchionna recently wrapped up his video shoot for AAC, which premiered at the NRA expo this year.

To see Episode 1 of “Easy Day” visit www.youtube.com.


57 Responses to “Costa Media Group Presents “Easy Day””

  1. PLiner says:

    SOOOOOO, I guess if you have no experience doing it for real, you’re left with making movies about it.

  2. xpoqx says:

    “I don’t want to play with you any more, you play dirty.”

    Costa shot that guy right in the dick. Poor sum’bitch.

  3. Kona says:

    words cant express how bad that was….

  4. Loosa says:

    Really Costa? Your contribution to the “community” is what I assume will be a series of self-perpetuating shoot’em up flicks? As if he hasn’t pimped himself out enough. Congrats to Costa for his success and I’m all for a guy supporting his family but what’s the point of this anyway? I assume there’s endorsement dollars behind this.

  5. The Squish says:

    Jesus Christ, he is such a self indulgent moron. I just don’t understand the purpose for this production other than feeling totally awkward when I viewed it. Tell me its for gear and I’ll laugh….here Costa holding an AR, oh, now here’s Costa holding another AR but with a different rail that makes him run faster, but now he’s grabbing another AR but this time with a cool ninja contraption that shoots some sort light source from the end of it. I guess some people feel need to be in the limelight and praise attention….he is the Kanye West of the Firearms Industry

  6. Kaos-1 says:

    Costa, the new B-movie action super star…. Lmfao

  7. Lev says:

    I’m inclined to say you can’t pay good money for video of this quality, but I’ve been wrong before. Even if no clear message/marketing focus/product can be discerned beyond the bearded replica epicenter, “Don’t mess with Vincent Rocco” is a t-shirt slogan for the ages.

  8. Physics1 says:

    A true sign of professionals with well articulated and thorough explanations of their grievances…. The only reason that I can think of for people commenting like this is that you want attention. Criticism is great, but empty comments make you no better that soccer Mom’s claiming that the flu vaccine mentally disabled their children. I can now see clearly how comments on the internet have not changed for over ten years. Even while enlisted did I not see such pointless statements.

  9. Matt says:

    For what it is, a entertainment video, it did very well.

  10. […] Anyone else catch this? Costa Media Group Presents ?Easy Day? – Soldier Systems Point Blank Truth Reply With […]

  11. Mike Nomad says:

    “…do what we do best.” It would appear that includes freaking out because you saw the guy where you thought he wasn’t supposed to be. Op much? Complete the pass, turn around, find out where he’s going. Or, continue on to where you thought he was supposed to be, and wait.

    • SSD says:

      Ok, this is called a movie. It’s not real.

      • Mike Nomad says:

        Sure, I get that. And it was screwed together pretty well, with good production value. Bonus points for thinking ahead, and having shot/posted in 4K.

        Aside from the script bit I’m going on about, the only other problems are some very minor editing decisions, which will go almost completely unnoticed…

        Which are even bigger reasons to not introduce some dumb that isn’t at least doing something for the main point / narrative. Plenty of ways to get to the punch line (the gun fight) without the rookie mistake.

        Just because it is a movie (ie, _merely_ entertainment) doesn’t mean the movie makers are exempt from a critical eye. They put their art out there, they should expect it to get beat on. Just like someone rolling out a new AR clone, or a camo pattern.

  12. Lee Lanauco says:

    People can hate on Chris Costa all they want so long as they don’t forget that the Magpul Dynamics videos (Art of the Tactical Carbine, etc) probably brought more people into the AR, “black rifle,” shooting culture than years of NRA mailings, advertising and other media.

    Experienced or not, over-hyped or not, Costa has garnered a lot of positive attention and helped to expand the shooting community, which is a good thing.

  13. Jbgleason says:

    Not a Costa Fan Boy. Never met the dude and could care less about him.

    But after reading the comments above I thought this video was going to be him doing some insane tactics and selling it as what people should be doing. Then I watched it and it looks like it is a movie. Probably not a James Cameron but a real production none the less. Who gives a crap! Why would anyone hate on this? Do you guys hate Stallone, Eastwood, Chuck Norris (you better not!) and everyone else who has ever portrayed a cop or soldier in a movie? I just don’t get the hate for this guy. Don’t people have better stuff to do?

  14. Harper says:

    Just remember, he has an action figure. 🙂

    • C.B. says:

      I’d prefer a CIB

      • El Guapo says:

        Or any combat experience for that matter.

        I was hoping for another video of tactics. Yes, he’s fun to fuck with but his original videos taught a lot of good TTPs… at the time. He’s a good instructor, charismatic, funny, and obvious is a good shooter. So a new instructional video would’ve been welcome. Instead it’s a self-promoting video with pretty much zero training value. In fact, considering their reaction to their team mate going down, negative training value- since when do you stop engaging the treat just because someone went down? At least he’s not doing zombie videos anymore…

        • ninjaben says:

          I stop when she is a “Deployment 1.” Not going to pass up getting laid later. Your right though if it was the dude, that guy would have never even made it into the warehouse. He also never topped off either of his two guns. One that was dry, and the other had 3-5 rds left.

          However, the simple fact is he has done a good job with branding. He has way better name recognition than guys that can actually shoot (e.g. GM/Master class shooters/Champion shooters) and have more operational experience. He has the beard, keeps himself somewhat in shape, and has alot of energy. This allows himself to sell himself to the civilian shooting enthusiasts. Who cares if he will never be hired by any SOF for consulting/training. I know he doesn’t; there is way more money in the enthusiast crowd.

  15. Bman says:

    Not sure why so many people want to hate on Costa. Is he a legit socom combat vet? No but his drive speaks for itself in his shooting proficiency and he has got a lot more “operator” training than most of us have or ever will have and thats before he left the service. Lastly, he seems like a pretty down to earth dude which is the most important part. So what if he wants to make money and have fun doing it?

  16. CompShot says:

    Imagine if this starred some random dude who didn’t have his name on rock tape, everyone would love it.

    Watching a 100% realistic video would mostly be boring as shit. For what it is I found it well made albeit with cheezy dialogue.

  17. bob says:

    I also hate Chris Costa because I am a super-experience combat operator who loves to comment on threads with my vast operating experiences. I hate Chris Costas because I am waaaay more successful than he is, and have a much better reputation as a solid trainer with legitimate law enforcement experience. My hate for Chris Costa is only eclipsed by my ability to troll comment sections hating on people who have brand recognition. But I mostly hate him because I can’t grow a sensual beard like Chris Costa.

    • Roger says:

      “Legitimate Law Enforcement Experience”

      What would that be?

      Hint; It’s a lie.

      • bob says:

        Pretty sure Costa is a Coast Guard veteran. The Coast Guard, as its primary function, serves to enforce US Maritime and other laws. Pretty sure he served overseas in this role, on multiple occasions. How is that not NOT LE?

        I resisted posting, since mama taught me never to feed the trolls, but you all need to get over the hate and discontent for Costa. If you don’t like him, ignore him.

    • SSD says:

      You get a pass Bob, considering your considerable experience and all

  18. Brandon says:

    I guess if you’re not even a Former Action Guy, you can always try being a Movie Action Guy?

  19. Arch Asher says:

    Let me see; Never in Law Enforcement, never in combat, never in a Special Operations unit of any kind, no jump wings, nada, zip, zero.

    I assume the badge is a prop or buddy hook-up reserve officer badge from some three man department.

    Posts pictures of himself doing civilian jumps in full assault gear to fool the masses, wears Multicam more than some real deal assaulters so people will assume he actually did something, OH I GET it, this video is just intended to fool the masses again that he has “Been in a Gunfight”!

    His real life experience “Easy Day” was writing boater DUI tickets and giving warning tickets for not wearing a life preserver.

    You’ve got to hand it to him though, with clever manipulation of the gun media, self produced videos, and wearing just enough props in classes he has managed to fool some airsofters into thinking he was someone.

  20. Frogman says:

    Well, the “Easy Day” title had my hackles up since I perceived it as sort of a rip off from a slogan associated with my Alma Matter.

    So, I showed it to Mrs. Frogman who is wise in such matters without prior comment so as not to sway her opinion.

    Apparently, it is GAY.


  21. Harper says:

    Oh I forgot, a Dick Kramer action poster and an action figure. I just wish the movie ment to advertise gear actually showed more gear out side of an MTV-sequel series of quick cuts. But it was fun.

  22. Jim D says:

    “Chris Costa – Actor” = Truth!

  23. Kango says:

    Too many people here take things waaaay to serious.

    Guys need to relax.

  24. Eric b says:

    Who cares, honestly? He does what he wants with his money, skills, and influence. Don’t be threatened by this guy. If you have the background to eclipse his, then let that stand for itself. Nobody can take away what you’ve done or what you are, especially not with a bit of their own self-promotion. Remember the “quiet professional” moniker? Hollywood and Madision Avenue have never had much to do with reality, just the product and entertainment. This is fiction folks, fiction and fun for the actors. Let it go.

  25. Team Guy says:

    “Easy Day” is a SEAL saying.

    Costa is not a SEAL but pretends to be one when he can get away with it. (See his BS Trident Logo).

    I could not care less if someone is or is not a SEAL. I do take great exceptions to pretend SEALs. Such a lack of integrity should eliminate all credibility in this world, however, Costa remains cockroach-like in his resilience.

  26. subchasr says:

    I don’t always read the comments, but had to check it out. What a bunch of haters! Can’t we see that it is entertainment? What if it was Vickers, Pannone, or Lamb….then would it be legit?

  27. Leonidas says:

    Team Guy & Frogman have hit the nail on the head.

    Best reply so far by far.

    I don’t think there is any question Costa goes to great lengths to fool the masses into believing he was a Seal. Many in the industry have busted him for outright saying it, others have heard him imply it and let others assume it without correcting them. The shuttle props throughout his marketing also are designed to imply it; Trident in his logo, numerous self-produced videos of him doing “Assaults”, Over the top wearing of SOF camo/helmets/other assorted SOF related gear, who can forget the marketing poster that had him super imposed over a SPARTAN Warrior thus implying he has fought “Muslims” – not cool when you have done nothing and there are real people losing their lives in War. Not to forget this talk of “Gunfights” and how this or that works, how would he know? Yet talking like that gives off the impression you have been in one. Tie all of this together with some slick marketing, lazy firearms media who vets no one in search of the latest Youtube/Facebook craze, and the shuttle SOF type props throughout everything he does and you have the farce we see today.

    • Matt says:

      No insult intended to the team guys on here as you’ve earned your Tridents and they understandably mean so much to you. But you all should realize that the Seals did not copyright the trident as a military symbol and the Coast Guard has an established history of using the trident in its heraldry. After all, they’re both naval services. In turn I can’t fault Costa for using it for his purposes as he’s a CG Vet as well as several family members.
      Whatever other grief he’s receiving is on him. Put yourself in public and you’re gonna get some hate.

      • L.Washing says:

        thank you matt,

        wanted to say the same about the trident.

        btw…costa ludus(his company) is named after the old roman gladiator schools.

        his logo shows a trident,a net & a shield…typical weaponry for gladiator fights…

        love it,when guys hate on everything…but sometimes it does make sense to research before putting a comment out there….

      • Team Guy says:

        OK, So the Coasties use a Trident:


        I don’t think Costa is advancing Marine Safety so his usage in the context of weapons applications remains suspect as to just whom he is alluding to be.

        Any thoughts on mis-appropriating “Easy Day”? Or is that just about Easy Days?

        I don’t hate Costa. I feel sorry for him, he seems like a bright guy who obviously knows what he is doing in his charade and in order to keep the fancy beard fresh he has to look himself in the mirror frequently. When he does, a little bit of justice is done each time.

        However, I feel more more sorry for the plethora of actual former warriors who are trying to make a living as trainers having to cut through the marketing BS of pretenders to get the customer in an honest way. A customer that deserves a high competency and integrity level relative to rates being charged.

        BTW, I am not talking my own book, I am not good enough to hang out a trainer flag. I am though familiar with what good looks like. It does not look like Coasties faking being SEALs

        • Matt says:

          Team Guy, the Marine Safety Insignia is only one of several uses of a trident in the CG’s history. Several unit patches and artwork have used them as well. Nearly all of our units perform LE in some capacity (either armed interdiction/boardings or unarmed regulatory inspections). The use of the trident isn’t exclusive to Marine Safety.
          I don’t have a dog in the fight over his Costa’s credibility otherwise. I don’t know the guy but like I said before, when you put yourself out there you’re going catch flak. I will say though that we have competent trainers in our ranks that have every right to use that experience once they leave the service.
          As for Coasties faking being SEALS; I work at a Deployable Specialized Force unit and believe me none of us think we’re SEALS. We know our role. Say what you will but if the fight comes to our shores we’ll be ready to join the fight.

  28. Rrsatx says:

    Bitches be hatin’. Lol.

  29. Jason says:

    Hopefully the next video in the series is set on the streets of Baghdad, Kabul, or maybe Lahore. Costa can replicate some of his vast combat experiences…wait, he left the service when?

  30. Team Guy says:


    Much love and no hate to the USCG.

    The opposite to pretenders of any genre.

    • Matt says:

      Thanks Team Guy. We don’t buy into the service rivalry either. One team; one fight.
      BTW, I totally agree on the posers. When we find them in our ranks we do our best to cancel that shit.

  31. Leonidas says:

    I have not read one post about the USCG posing as SEALS. Only Costa trying to descretely do it.

    For those that are defending him;

    Why pose for civilian jumps in full camo assault gear then? If it’s just an inocent recreational parachute trip why dress for a full assault, have 20+ camera guys take pictures, and use the photos heavily in your own marketing?

  32. DRN says:

    Wow. Lots of haters.

    I do have some LE experience although since I wasn’t LAPD SWAT and NYPD Homicide at the same time I was running and gunning in the jungles of Vietnam I’m sure it won’t mean anything to this crowd. 😉

    I am a LE firearms instructor and have attended the Advanced Handgun and Advanced Carbine Costa Ludus classes in 2013.

    I found Chris to be a credible instructor and top rate shooter. He never claimed credentials that he didn’t have and didn’t imply that he was any kind of whiz bang operator. It is my understanding that he was on the interdiction side of the Coast Guard LE effort which means dealing with smugglers and the like. Seems more credible than boating DUI enforcement.

    I liked the Magpul DVD’s and had an opportunity to attend Costa’s class so I took it. I enjoyed it and felt like I got what I paid for. It was definately a high round count class.

    I saw his “No easy day” video and took it to be a tribute to LE not a claim for credit on his part. I shared it with some other cop buddies and they seemed to like it too.

    So I’m not a star struck Costa fan boy but I guess I am a fan.

    PS – Costa Ludus is a business and like any business must stir the marketing pot and keep the dollars coming in the door. Yes this means selling branded goodies and maintaining constant hype and publicity. Chris has no way of knowing if the music will stop in 10 years or 10 days so I don’t blame him for hyping his brand. If anyone is surprised by this I would invite them to come live in the real world.