SureFire XC3

Mikhail Kalashnikov Dies At 94


According to multiple sources, Mikhail Kalashnikov – the famed inventor of the AK-47 assault rifle – died today. He was reported to have been admitted for medical treatment in November due to internal bleeding.

Mikhail Kalashnikov was born on November 10, 1919 into a Russian peasant family in the village of Kurya, Altai Territory. He was one of 18 children, of whom only 6 survived. He served the Red Army starting in 1938, where his design skills were used to improve the arms and equipment used by Soviet Tank regiments. He began designing the AK-47 after he was wounded in October 1941, when the tank he commanded was struck by a German shell.

“I created a weapon to defend the borders of my motherland. It’s not my fault that it’s being used where it shouldn’t be. The politicians are more to blame for this.”

“I’m proud of my invention, but I’m sad that it is used by terrorists. I would prefer to have invented a machine that people could use and that would help farmers with their work – for example a lawn mower.”

Approximately 100 million Kalashnikov family rifles have been produced, licensed and unlicensed copies of the AK-47, AKM, and AK-74 and their variants.

He was 94 years old.


24 Responses to “Mikhail Kalashnikov Dies At 94”

  1. Ash says:

    Rest in peace, Misha.

  2. Everyone Else says:

    Should we drink vodka? We should drink vodka. RIP

  3. Toby says:

    While I am not a friend to communism, Mikhail Kalashnikov was a genius. It can not be argued that he as the inventor of the AK-47 was one of the most influential men of the 20th Century. Before anyone argues that he is not as influential as many leaders, his inventions have had more global impact(good or bad) than ALMOST anyone in the 20th Century. Let us remember his dedication and duty to his beliefs, his love of country, and his ingenuity.GOD bless you and rest in peace.

  4. Brandon says:

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  5. James says:

    Rest in peace, mr. Kalashnikov

  6. Invictus says:

    To my way of thinking, he raised the bar for reliability, durability and firepower, and in so doing, improved the lives of every grunt out there for every nation…

  7. cy says:

    Do svidaniya.

  8. DanW says:

    Hundreds of thousands of dead people’s blood are on his hand, and everyone here thinks he’s a hero? You guys need better priorities.

    • Al says:

      Using that logic Henry Ford was a mass murderer. I guess that makes the guy who invented hammers evil too.

    • OEB says:

      By your anology we can blame Henry Ford for all the blood on his hands for inventing the car. Show me one single instance where a rifle picks itself up and shoots someone on its own. Blaming the inventor of the knife is stupid and naive. And this has nothing to do with our priorities. This is a news source for people interested in all things millitary, you need to wisen up and change your expectations when you walk down this block.

      • Bang says:

        Henry Ford inventing the car? Really???!
        Usually I don’t feel like America bashing, but that is just incredibly wrong and americentric…

        • OEB says:

          Do not to be so self righteous. He invented the first mass produced car. I thought one would understand that was implied in the context of this discussion.

    • Mobious says:

      I’d wonder about your priorities…
      Following your views, Browning and Stoner have “hundred’s of thousands of dead people’s blood” on their hands, or better, how about the inventor and creators of cars? Hundreds are killed every day, I guess we shouldn’t thank the creators of modern transport for what they did…
      Mikhail designes a reliable, easy to use weapon for defense of his beloved nation and people, and leaders mass produce and use the weapon for no good as well, and now the same platform is available nearly anywhere in the world, bound to appear in every conflict zone. He never intended or wished for that, so saying he’s responsible for the many lives lost is ridiculous

    • Joe says:

      So does the man that came up with farming, all of a sudden not everyone needs to be a farmer to eat and thus was born the first standing army, dam those farmers.

    • Russ Anderson says:

      You live in a land of fluffy flying pink unicorns ? Because a tool is just a tool. And from the sound of it so are you

  9. Fox says:

    Thank you Dan, I will hold my rant about your absurd comment out of respect for Mr. Kalashnikov’s passing.

    Mikhail Kalashnikov was a Soldier, and an innovator. He made a huge leap in firearms design and development for his time, with special consideration for when and where he did it. From one Soldier to another, Rest in Peace Sir. You have my Respect.

  10. Martinihenry says:

    ‘You will never get to heaven with an AK47’


  11. AECTr says:

    It’s not my fault that it’s being used where it shouldn’t be. The politicians are more to blame for this.

    Sounds pro-gun-control to me…

  12. Freeman says:

    I believe General Kalashnikov is unfairly treated by the media – NPR claimed that the AK47 is a weapon ‘preferred by terrorists’. He defended his country and saw many other young men die alongside him, which prompted him to design a weapon that might increase their chances of survival. He was a true patriot and is in no way connected to the use of his weapon by extremist groups, who mostly receive Chinese, Yugo, or Pakistani copies (if Kalashnikov was American he would have been able to sue for copyright infringement). Even today, Russian manufactured AK variants are used by Russian Army and MVD special troops to fight terrorism in Chechnya and Dagestan. In the end, it is merely a tool. RIP General Kalashnikov!

  13. Ed says:

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