
Breaking – Magpul Announces Move

Magpul announces their move, going wisely with the split location option. Personally, I see Texas as a risky move in the out years with so much pressure to naturalize illegal workers to citizenship. Based on national trends there is good reason to believe that this would strengthen the Democrat base in that State. Traditionally, Democrats support gun legislation, introducing bills to restrict Second Amendment rights. As for the multitude of doubters and armchair MBAs who didn’t believe that Magpul was actually moving shop; eat it. Having said that, 3 huzzahs for Magpul and lovers of Freedom everywhere.


Company Is Moving Operations to Wyoming and Texas

Magpul Industries announced today that it is relocating its operations to Wyoming and Texas.

The company is relocating manufacturing, distribution and shipping operations to Cheyenne, Wyoming. Magpul is leasing a 58,000 square foot manufacturing and distribution facility during the construction of a 100,000 square foot build-to-suit facility in the Cheyenne Business Parkway. The Wyoming relocation is being completed with support from Governor Matt Mead, the Wyoming Business Council and Cheyenne LEADS.

Magpul is moving its corporate headquarters to Texas. Three North Central Texas sites are under final consideration, and the transition to the Texas headquarters will begin as soon as the facility is selected. The Texas relocation is being accomplished with support from Governor Rick Perry and the Texas Economic Development Corporation.

“Magpul made the decision to relocate in March 2013 and has proceeded on an aggressive but deliberate path” says Doug Smith, Chief Operating Officer for Magpul Industries. “These dual moves will be carried out in a manner that ensures our operations and supply chain will not be interrupted and our loyal customers will not be affected.”

The company began a nationwide search for a new base of operations after legislation was enacted in Colorado that dramatically limits the sale of firearms accessories – the core of Magpul’s business. Magpul plans on initially transitioning 92% of its current workforce outside of Colorado within 12-16 months and will maintain only limited operations in Colorado.

“Moving operations to locations that support our culture of individual liberties and personal responsibility is important,” says Richard Fitzpatrick, Chief Executive Officer for Magpul Industries. “Moving to a true multi state operation will also allow Magpul to utilize the strengths of both Texas and Wyoming as we continue to expand.”


31 Responses to “Breaking – Magpul Announces Move”

  1. Stryker Magnum says:

    Welcome to Texas, Magpul!! Take a look at Frisco. You have never seen a pro business town like it. On a side note: Suck it, Colorado!

    • Red says:

      Hey hey hey! Colorado is a great place. We just have some housecleaning to do in 2014 and 2016. 😉 That being said, I commend Magpul for sticking to their word.

  2. Baldwin says:

    Huzzah, huzzah, huzzah!!!!

  3. Hank F says:

    Welcome to Texas!!!! We’re gonna do all we can to keep it free!!!

  4. GLAD TO HEAR IT GUYS!! Great States, Great People & Very Friendly Business Environments!!

  5. MacDeth says:

    Congrats! Just don’t hire any dirty illegal criminals for you labor force and all should be good.

  6. bob says:

    Elections have consequences, and so does legislation. Congrats to Magpul for sticking to their guns. (pun intended)

  7. I give another vote for Frisco, TX! We just open the biggest indoor gun range (Frisco Gun Club) plus land and tax here is pretty darn cheap!

    • Chris says:

      What’s with all the random love for Frisco (I live on the boarder of little elm and Frisco)?

      I’ve heard of rumors of Gainesville, TX, but they are just rumors.

  8. Six says:

    Great to see Magpul show these idiot politicians and anti gun states they will not tolerate the anti gun stupidity. Sad how these Colorado and other politicians don’t care about good honest companies and good working people to keep jobs there.

    • TruthSayer says:

      A good honest company that is requiring any worker willing to relocate to reapply for their job. Way to support your loyal workers

  9. Marty says:

    I bet Colorado could care less, just like the shit hole state of California chasing out company’s because of the high taxes. They don’t give a rats ass

    • reverend says:

      Strangely enough, Marty is correct! Politicians who do things for an “emotional response” don’t understand business, proper tax use, and saying “No”.

      They won’t understand till we FIRE THEM!!!!

  10. cimg says:

    Good Luck Magpul, SSD i hope you are not foreshadowing things to come in Texas with the amnesty issue. If a military town like san anotonio can elect a Dem mayor, then the chance that Texas could go red is something to be considered!

  11. Chris says:

    I know it takes a while to move a company and operation like Magpul, but this announcement is having very little impact here in Colorado. Pot is now legal to sell, so any argument that is made about loss of jobs and money, the potheads just come back and say legal marijuana will make up for loss of revenue. I am glad they are sticking to their word, but I don’t think it will have the effect that it really should.

    They put up a lot of money and time to fight the gun legislation that passed this year in Colorado. Sad to see them go, they are just down the road from my house.

  12. 10thMountainMan says:

    Bravo to Magpul for making this happen. They will always have my patronage. Look forward to seeing what comes out of the Wyoming plant.

  13. Evan Hill says:

    Even Wyoming is risky. The population of the state is low enough that it wouldn’t take much in the way of Californication to flip flop majority politics. It took something like 30 years for that transition to take place in Colorado. Wyoming could go within 5 or 10 years. Eric is spot on with the likelihood of Texas flipping within a couple decades. Demographics argue in favor of that scenario. There are very few if any states where people can smugly sit back and know it won’t happen there. Wherever you are, you must be vigilant. I do applaud Magpul for taking that stand. I think it’s really going to help us out here in CO in the next election cycle. Heck, it probably already has with the two state Democratic reps that were unseated before their terms were up. Make that three if you count the one that resigned so she could be replaced by a Dem instead of facing a recall vote she was likely to lose.

    • SSD says:

      Agreed. Voter complacency is our downfall.

      • reverend says:

        Yup! I’ve been fussing about that in Virginia for YEARS!

        I KNOW WE ARE NOT “PURPLE”! But danged if I can get the “Red Voters” out, and about to keep the “BLUE IDJUT CARPETBAGGERS” from changing my state.

        • SSD says:

          The problem with Virginia is that it’s right next to Maryland and so many who vote left have realized that Virginia is a better place to live so they’ve moved to Virginia. It’s a tale told over and over. People ruin a place, leave, and immediately try to change the new place into what they left. What a crappy cycle.

          • Stan says:

            That is so true. Bad voting destroyed St. Louis City (It owe county since 1870’s) so the majority of the people left for less leftwing St. Louis County and two other mainly rural counties in the Metro area. Now St. Louis County has fallen to complete leftwing control and plans to merge with the City and one of the other two isn’t far behind.

    • Stan says:

      Really if we want to look at total demographic trends, not just ethnic/racial make, no state in the nation is a safe place. If trends continue, and they will, the Democrat Party is well on its way to being able to win and maintain majorities from “safe” districts/states in both elected branches of the Federal government. When Texas goes solidly Democrat no opposing party, besides a even farther left group (see the Seatle City Council elections for an example of that.), will have a chance of winning national elections. Once that happens new strict Federal anti-gun laws will over rule the few remaining so called “red” states. I figure we will lucky to have current California style gun laws nationwide in thirty years.

    • ODG says:

      Evan hope things are well for you need to get together for our annual shot show beer soon. However I will tell you it will be a cold day in hell before the cowboy state ever goes blue!

      • Mike Nomad says:

        While I never say, “never,” I think it will be a _long_ time (if ever) for Texas to go blue: There is so much in-fighting in the fledgling iteration of the Brown Power Movement, it will be generations before enough people in that community are dancing to the same tune.

        And that is assuming all the baggage gets sorted out on the new behavior of acculturation vs. the old behavior of assimilation.

        Meanwhile, here in Houston, the Vietnamese and Indian communities quietly go about their business…

    • Freeman says:

      We need a political revitalization (i.e. new party) if we wish to keep our gun rights – too many people are all for gun rights but see the Republicans as being backwards. I want a party that advocates moderate fiscal responsibility, doesn’t favor the elite, doesn’t get involved with silly social issues (seriously, it’s a free country for now, you can marry whoever the feck you feckin want), supports the military, and advocates for all of the amendments of the Constitution that are slowly being chipped away by both establishments.

      Shoot me if I am just a stupid dreamer.

  14. Will says:

    I’m glad to see Magpul sticking up for what’s right. I’ll continue to support their awesome products.

    I think we all have to face the grim reality that the people that believe in the American way of life, along with the freedom and liberty the Constitution is supposed to provide, are a dying breed. The majority of people in this Country haven’t the faintest idea what the Constitution on the Bill of Rights truly mean. I live in California where we have just given the green light to all the illegals to come on in. California is actively blocking Federal Agents from doing their jobs, and deporting illegal aliens.

    On the bright side, even though we may be surrounded by ignorant liberal idiots, at least we know we can attack in all directions….