AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

Haley Strategic Partners Announces Move from Colorado to Arizona

Haley Strategic Partners sent us a press release announcing their move from Colorado to Arizona.


SCOTTSDALE, Arizona – January 6, 2014 – Haley Strategic Partners today announces it is relocating all operations from Colorado to Scottsdale, Arizona including the training unit, product development team and marketing unit, which will continue to maintain offices on the East Coast in the Philadelphia area.

Travis Haley said this on the move to Scottsdale, “Haley Strategic has grown faster than we believed possible over the past 3 years. Our move to Scottsdale puts us in the heart of a strong Defense & Aerospace manufacturing base that will allow us to form new relationships and create new opportunities for HSP moving forward. The Phoenix area is also host a number of training facilities that will allow HSP to greatly increase the scope of our Disruptive Environments training programs for Military, Law Enforcement and responsible armed citizens.”

HSP will also be opening a Showroom featuring not only HSP’s product line, but we will be offering products from our many industry partners including BCM, B5 Systems, Inforce, IWC, Glock triggers, G-CODE and more. All of these products will be available for walk-in purchase.

“2014 promises to be another year, packed to the gills with innovation and refinement of our training programs, the integration of new technologies, a continuing dialog with our student base and new product collaboration and development to improve end user performance and survivability.”


36 Responses to “Haley Strategic Partners Announces Move from Colorado to Arizona”

  1. Zak says:

    Good move. I anticipate this will occur more and more as more states attempt to pass similar legislature.

  2. Odie says:

    I’m assuming this is in response to the new gun laws put in place in Colorado, correct?

    Seems like this is becoming a trend with gun manufactures,I believe Daniel Defense also moved operations out of Colorado.

  3. YoMamaS says:

    Looks like Califorado (Or Californiarado, Calirado, still can’t figure out which is the catchiest) is going downhill fast 🙁

    • Sean says:

      I like Calirado. I’ll be using that in the future, thanks.

      • Joe Durt says:

        Or kommirado
        Or kommifornianado
        Or colocommunist
        Or kalocomorada

        I fucking hate when people do that to state names.
        Same people who buy spikes lowers with spiders and get punisher skull tattoos. Yo do i call out your home state? No because the mid west is a joke on its own.

  4. Brett says:

    I wish it were Utah, but Arizona is close enough.

  5. Chuck says:

    Damn, I was hoping he’d move to New… oh right, we’re screwed here too.

  6. MED says:

    Colorado laws weren’t mentioned in the press release. Can you confirm any connection? I’m hoping it’s the case and I hope politicians notice when money and jobs walk away – probably not, but it would be nice.

  7. charly says:

    i am glad to visit the new showroom, pleas update if you are ready. take care from Berlin / Germany

  8. conner says:

    Not news, and no one cares. Political grand standing. The gun-nut culture accounts for a small fraction of tax revenue in the state that we will more than make up for with pot. AFAIC, all the gun companies can leave the state and we can seize every single one from every single person here. It worked in New Orleans during Katrina without incident, it can work everywhere else in this country.

    Its time to take the guns or regulate and tax them out of existence….makes each and every bullet individually serial numbered and cost $100 a piece with taxes, fines, and fees. I guess because of the second amendment you get to “keep your guns”…fine. Make guns have a $1000 registration fee every quarter. New laws that require you to belong to a gun club with a $5k/quarter tax in addition to the registration fee, where your guns have to be locked up and stored and used only there. bingo. second amendment satisfied.

    Whatever it takes its time to get rid of them…or at least out of everyone’s hands.

    • Engineer says:

      You do know where you are posting, right?

    • Marsh says:

      Obvious troll is obvious

    • Fox says:

      Big news, and MANY patriotic, informed voters care. Political Maneuvering. The Free Market culture accounts for a large fraction of tax revenue in a state that will more than make up for with pot- After the state legislature repeals amendment 64, and forces everyone there to buy their Marijuana. AFAMAC, all the Firearms Manufacturers can return to Colorado and other states after they are freed from over-reaching government, and any citizen can practice their Constitutional rights given to them by God, Forged by their Forefathers, and paid for by countless lives of US Servicemen. It did not work in New Orleans during Katrina without incident, and it sure as hell cannot work as long as every independent, free willed, and able man outside of New York is breathing.

      It is time to defend our Constitutional rights, and to cut taxation down, to only maintain the National Defense, and the infrastructure of our Free Republic. I swear by sacred oath, stated in the Second Amendment, that We the People can never be stripped of our Arms, and that- IS FINAL. We need to repeal failed Gun Control legislature from the past, and work to secure a future our children can prosper in.

      Whatever it takes to maintain our Rights and Freedoms…
      Whatever the cost.

    • chris says:

      Another insane,inane, liberal lunatic..

    • Don says:

      What an idiot. Does it sound like communism?

    • Michael Torres says:

      This guy is a moron! and should be sent to live in another country.

    • Ed says:

      Instead, let us charge “conner” $100.00 per word as a “waste handling” fee. He will still have the First Amendment right to say something so long as he pays the fee. That sounds reasonable to me….

    • meep meep says:

      Moron alert!

  9. Wild Child says:

    I thought he moved months ago? Or is he just trying to copy Magpul’s positive press from moving?

  10. JJ says:

    Texas man. We need you in Texas not AZ!

  11. Steve says:

    Ever since Magpul announced their intentions to move, I wondered if Travis would stay in colorado – I guess we now know. Keep up the good work Travis.

  12. DW says:

    Not sure why he left the comfort of Colorado for Arizona. Mr. Haley voted for Obama in the last election. I thought he fit in pretty well in Colorado. Now that is a question to pose to him.

    • Jason says:

      “Mr. Haley voted for Obama in the last election.”


      • DW says:

        Simply ask Mr. Haley. It’s common knowledge in certain circles he and his business partner, Mr. Chang, both opted to vote to reelect Obama. They have their personal views as to why Obama was (in their view) the better choice over Mitt Romney. That is why I was surprised to see this announcement about his relocation from CO. Dick Metcalf was fired from Guns & Ammo for writing an article that was considered anti-gun supporting rhetoric. The editor from RECOIL before that was let go for similar comments. It’s ironic that Mr. Haley gets a pass for doing what in my opinion is worse than those two writers combined. He just got on the Magpul bandwagon to gain more attention for himself.

  13. Haji says:

    I’m wondering what the customer base is that will support a brick and mortar store like that in AZ. That’ll be interesting to see.

  14. J_Jaxn says:

    I’m looking forward to the arrival of HSP and their training opportunities…

    • XJP5 says:

      I’m happy to welcome Travis and HSP here to the valley. Trust me, HSP will be well-supported business-wise, here in the Phoenix area.

  15. Bill Sawyer says:

    good luck brother

  16. Travis Haley says:

    Your a F*#king idiot. I don’t normally go off on the eerornet, but you sir are the perfect PISSANT.

    To set the record strait I am the one who made the command decision to pull out our ads and partners from RECOIL magazine. And as for the Obama thing… wow thats the best one I have heard all year!

    Also the move had nothing to do with the state of CO it had to do with one of my children being diagnosed with a medical condition and changing his environment for the best you fuck.

  17. Derek Smuin says:

    DW, looks like you got your answer, “Its Common knowledge”. Best thread I’ve read in a long time. You got schooled by Mr. Haley himself!!!!! hahahah