Protact by Haartz

Sneak Peek – OSS Technology Corp’s Mirage Mitigation Device


OSS Technology Corp is a new spinoff company from Operators Suppressor Systems . In addition to the new CHRISTIAN and BANNAR brakes, OSS Technology Corp is also teasing us with their upcoming Mirage Mitigation Device which will redirect the heat dissipating from a suppressor to the side so that it will not obscure the shooter’s view over the sights of the target.


5 Responses to “Sneak Peek – OSS Technology Corp’s Mirage Mitigation Device”

  1. Timmay says:

    Bernoulli lives!

  2. cheapo says:

    Spray paint+ aluminum foil= same thing for less

    • Timmay says:

      Not really, it needs to be rigid to produce/maintain the effect,. You could do it with sheet metal or a heat resistant polymer.

      • PRIMO says:

        Not the same man. You are just seeing the front of it. Once we release it,it will be easy to see. I wish I had these when I was in. I can say it is extremely light as well.

    • SSD says:

      Yeah, and you can also tie a concrete block around your waist instead of armor. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should when something better comes along.
