AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

Griffon Industries Heat & Mirage Mitigation System


The Heat & Mirage Mitigation System by Griffon Industries was designed and developed by a former Special Forces operator to help avoid contact burns with suppressors in CBQ environments as well as mitigate mirage for Sniper/DMR applications. The system is made from fire retardant thread (non-asbestos) and is MSDS compliant. The inner core is rated and tested for temperatures up to 3000F. Full auto rated – tested to 9 magazines full auto continuous by members of NSW. Available in 4 lengths: 5″, 6″, 7″, and 9″, which allows the system to be used with a variety of different length suppressors.

Available in Black, Coyote Brown, MultiCam, Kryptek Typhoon, Kryptek Highlander.

By: Richard Graves, Staff Writer


3 Responses to “Griffon Industries Heat & Mirage Mitigation System”

  1. Alan Covey says:

    This looks like the same/similiar concept as the old “thermal jacket” on tank main guns, done small-time. But if you have to “wrap that wrascal” to do the two things this product claims it does, isn’t this a better opening for manufacturers to work on their engineer of the base product? I think a cool-running supressor of some kind would be another selling point. Or, just dropping off the trigger a little and not running everything at the cyclic rate. I’m far from the expert here; just applying some Mark 1 common sense.

  2. Jeff says:

    Thank you for the coverage, if SSD requires any other equipment for T&E, please don’t hesitate to ask.
