
KRYTAC : KRISS Group forms new training and airsoft brand – SHOT Show 2014 in Las Vegas

KRISS group has announced a new airsoft and training brand called KRYTAC. It looks to be an interesting training option, given they’ll be offering airsoft, non-lethal, and .22 caliber rimfire arms.

Krytac Water

Known worldwide for the most-innovative, iconic new firearm design in the past 80 years, the KRISS Vector has quickly made its parent company not only internationally famous as a firearm manufacture, but also as an industry brand innovator. And, in Las Vegas on Tuesday evening following Day One of SHOT Show 2014, Kriss Group SA held an invitation-only event to mark the soft-launch of a new brand targeting the recreational shooting, professional training and airsoft markets. Named KRYTAC, the brand will be rolling out new airsoft, non-lethal training and .22 caliber rimfire arms starting in Q2 of 2014, with an official launch and product reveal expected at the IWA show in Germany this spring. The first electric airsoft prototypes revealed show 5 models in the initial line, with licensed products by LWRC coming later in the year.


KRYTAC’s synergy within the industry come from veteran staff brought together from across the US and world airsoft industry, as well as the KRISS SA and KRISS USA design and branding team responsible for the new venture and future product lines.

Story by: Alan “Thumpy”

KRISS Group Announces launch of KRYTAC

KRISS Group SA announces the launch of its newest brand KRYTAC, dedicated to the recreational shooting and professional training markets.

January 15, 2014 – Las Vegas, Nevada, United States – KRISS Group announces the launch of KRYTAC, its latest brand dedicated to airsoft, non-lethal training and .22 caliber rimfire firearms. Taking advantage of KRISS Group’s experience in modern weapons design and precision manufacturing, KRYTAC will deliver innovative products that exceed the current market standards.

A limited viewing of KRYTAC airsoft prototypes are available to SHOT Show 2014 participants. The first product release of KRYTAC will include five airsoft models with various color options and are targeted to be available by the second quarter. Pricing and details will be released at the IWA 2014 exhibition in Germany. A more complete line of KRYTAC products will be shown later in the year which includes LWRC product lines, fully licensed to KRISS.

For more information about KRYTAC visit SHOT Show booth #432 or go to

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9 Responses to “KRYTAC : KRISS Group forms new training and airsoft brand – SHOT Show 2014 in Las Vegas”

  1. jjj0309 says:

    Krytac.. There’s an another company in the Germany called ‘Crytek’ who makes military FPS video games. Just sayin’. I couldn’t resist to say this as a gamer.

  2. straps says:

    Crytek.. There’s another company in the USA called ‘Crye’ who makes the most innovative military real deal combat equipment. Just sayin’. I couldn’t resist to say this as a Soldier.

    See what I did there?

    • Chef Rigby says:

      While we’re on the subject, lets name a couple other companies that rip off video games.

      Snake Hound Machine – takes their imagery and name from the Metal Gear Solid series

      Umbrella Corporation Weapons Research Group – stole their name and logo from a fictional Bio-Terrorism organization in the game Resident Evil

    • jjj0309 says:


  3. James says:

    Has the Vektor actually seen any operational use, with either military or LE anywhere?

  4. Logan F. Crooks says:

    Will The Airsoft Guns Be Made In USA? Because That’s A Scarce Market.

    • Ex-St. Paul Resident says:

      There are no major airsoft manufacturers in the US, they’re all from SE Asia or Japan. My guess is that Krytac will rebrand something from one of the major manufacturers already in play.

  5. Phenom says:

    Hurricane rebranded but redone.