FirstSpear TV

Mil Spec Monkey – The Hardest Working Man at SHOT Show

If you attend SHOT Show, you’ll see Mil Spec Monkey and his crew of merry men everywhere. Whether he’s picking up women (literally), riding a Tactical Dino or running to and fro’ with cameras in hand, shooting video and stills, that guy gets around.


I caught up with Monkey as he filmed Senior Team Leader Joseph Garcia of US Corrections Special Operations Group and his K9, Max. STL Garcia discussed use of the Core Survival HEL-STAR strobe to mark team members as well as the Team Wendy Bump Helmet.

Look for Monkey’s video soon.

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18 Responses to “Mil Spec Monkey – The Hardest Working Man at SHOT Show”

  1. wyatt says:

    I am not familiar with how the monkey got his start and why all the hype. is he a air softer or something? i realize he has a line of mar ale patches and does the youtube shot show vids. but other than that why does everyone love the guy so much? i don’t get it, can someone enlighten me. and i mean no dis respect to the monkey.

    • SSD says:

      Maybe he’s just a really nice guy.

      • Stu says:

        He is a good guy – Gave me time to chat at SHOT even when he was running around.

        • Buckaroomedic says:

          He’s a good man who is honest and offers those in the service a good discount. What’s not to like?

    • Yanne says:

      The Monkey marches to the beat of a different drummer, as do most leaders. What I admire in MM is his knowledge of the industry, of the customer, and his execution skills. The man just has his finger on the pulse. Have you ever seen someone as good at bringing out the military/tactical humor/inside jokes as he is? He is very much the tip of the spear in the respect of making our industry fun. Aside from being one of the nicest, most honest, and humble guys you’ll meet, he is completely dedicated to this community and doing what he does. I think that is why he is so well liked and respected. I’m proud to see other people’s comments here affirming the same.

    • mike says:

      A guy who:

      is humble, is kind, is innovative, KNOWS GEAR, makes it his business to educate people, and doesn’t try to pull rank/popularity on people?

      I think there’s good reason for the “hype”, actually.

  2. Mandingo says:

    Senior Team Leader… great job title… sounds totally legit.

  3. Matthew Kime says:

    I’m a big fan of Mil Spec Monkey. The guys that sit back and name-call, etc. don’t really understand him.

    He’s a knowledgeable enthusiast, and an all-around good guy.

    Relax everybody, he’s not after your job, or trying to make anyone think that he’s ever done your job.

  4. Jon OPT says:

    Creativity and motivation don’t require an operational background. Monkey is on par with MM, Caleb Crye, and numerous others who haven’t been at the tip of the spear, but sure as hell helped fuel the industry that forges it.

    Jon, OPT

  5. Spartan says:

    I’ve never met the Monkey, but he is a source of good information and has contributed positively to the gear community as a whole. In addition, Monkey CAN run a weapons system I watched the entire video, the courses of fire and stage times good. He did well, he’s got my respect.

  6. says:

    When was around mm was one of the first guys to link it. He is a great dude and opt is absoulutly correct about him.

  7. Mike D says:

    I was always unsure about the monkey in the infancy of his company. I always thought of him as an airsofter and heard people claim he was a ranger in the past. I recently read up on him over at the Arms Collective. He seems to be an honest, hard working guy wanting to bring good products and insight to the industry.

  8. Sami says:

    I’d say that “DJ Monkey Boy” is too high speed for you haters, so move along and go do your business somewhere else. How copy?

  9. Qball says:

    Did I read US Corrections Special Operations Group??? really… I bet they call themselves ‘Operators’ for pete sake!