GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Help Tactical Distributors Choose New Products in US4CES Bravo-2 Pattern and Save

Tactical Distributors is going to offer some gear in the US4CES Bravo-2 pattern. They are trying to determine which items you would be most interested in. Survey participants will get a 15% off discount code when the submit the survey. No registration needed, just feedback.

US4CES Survey

To take the survey go here.

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27 Responses to “Help Tactical Distributors Choose New Products in US4CES Bravo-2 Pattern and Save”

  1. I would like to see a Wild Things Gear, Soft Shell in both patterns

  2. Kaos-1 says:

    All of the above

  3. straps says:

    Range Hat and Combat Pant. No operational need, just “want.”

    I voted, but a Pant is a close #2.

  4. Patrick says:

    Atom Jacket as in Arc’Teryx’s ?

  5. Norbis says:

    The Army Combat Uniform and authorized for wear!

    • DBACK028 says:

      Yup I was thinking the same thing Norbis…use it for the Army….after all it was one of the finalist correct? But nooooooooooo let’s just skip right over all that…lol big ol’ fashion hurry up and wait. lol

  6. Jim L. says:

    TD doing something in Kryptek Patterns would be great!

  7. ski says:

    Combat pants snd Shirt.

  8. Spartan says:

    Voted for Combat Shirt, Pants and Bonnie. The patterns work better here in the Northeast than the Multicam does.

  9. jjj0309 says:

    Simple hoodie or anorak under $100 would be nice.

  10. Frito says:

    I’m glad to see this coming to market. But is anyone else disappointed that the commercial US4CES patterns will not be NIR compliant? I also wonder if by swapping the colors around (the lightest color is now the darkest color and visa versa) will diminish it’s effectiveness.

  11. zach says:

    Nothing until the black is lesser in quantity like the original. Even the Germans are changing the quantity of black in their pattern slowly.

  12. Matt says:

    TD is by far one of the best Kit sellers out there. They run a good tight buisness. Glad to see they are working with Guy.

  13. Kory S says:

    BDU please

  14. Thomas Oakheart says:

    Bdu set, 3day pack. Would like a plate carrier.

  15. Omega2-6 says:

    Any one try using the promo code form the survey? It says its not valid when I tried to use it for a purchase.

  16. Axe1477 says:

    An assortment of packs, boonie hat and a range hat would be cool.

  17. m5 says:

    Personally, I refuse to believe that US4CES didn’t win the camo improvement competition. At least until the Army releases the actual results of the study.

    That said, it bugs me big time that Guy insists on not offering NIR-compatible patterns to the public like the competition does. Yes yes, we’ve been through this before, and his motivation is that the SWIR capabilities of US4CES are so good that they fall under the export restrictions of military gear (ITAR). Unlike the competition, obviously. Did I get this right?

    That said, I just had to get some US4CES patterned fabric to try it out myself. Guy, when should I expect my US4CES Bravo-15 order to arrive? I paypalled for my pitiful 5 yards, but didn’t get any sort of confirmation.