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Posts Tagged ‘US4CES’

Mexico Marines Have Selected US4CES Transitional Camo; Have Renamed The Pattern Marina Trans Jungle

Sunday, September 20th, 2015


Hyperstealth has announced that the Naval Infantry of Mexico has selected the US4CES Transitional camo pattern for their uniforms, and have renamed the pattern Marina Trans Jungle. Objective tests were performed in three environments, Lowland Forest in Michoacan, Lowland Scrub Desert in Sinaloa, and Riparian Forest in Coahuila, which pitted the US4CES Transitional pattern against the current Digital Woodland pattern used by the Mexican Marines.

In all three environments, it took observers an overall longer period of time to locate the US4CES pattern than the currently fielded Woodland pattern. A second comparison was conducted, comparing the US4CES pattern to MultiCam in the same environments, again with the US4CES pattern taking an overall longer period of time to locate within the environments.

You can read the full release at www.hyperstealth.com/Mexico.

Help Tactical Distributors Choose New Products in US4CES Bravo-2 Pattern and Save

Monday, February 10th, 2014

Tactical Distributors is going to offer some gear in the US4CES Bravo-2 pattern. They are trying to determine which items you would be most interested in. Survey participants will get a 15% off discount code when the submit the survey. No registration needed, just feedback.

US4CES Survey

To take the survey go here.

Guy Cramer Talks Camo on CNN

Thursday, December 6th, 2012

Filmed in August, CNN broadcast a report by Chris Lawrence entitled “New technology makes troops invisible.”

He interviews Guy Cramer of Canada’s HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp and partner of ADS Inc in their bid to win the US Army’s ongoing Camouflage Improvement Effort. The ADS/Cramer team produced the finalist US4CES pattern. Rumor has it that the Chief of Staff of the Army will be briefed this week on the results of the extensive testing undertaken to find a new family of camouflage patterns for use the the Army.

Cramer goes on to very briefly discuss his Quantum Stealth technology. As I understand it, CNN spent more than an hour with Cramer and yet edited it down to less than three minutes. It’s too bad because we want to hear Cramer speak more about his advanced camouflage concepts.

ADS Inc Hit 6000 Likes on Facebook – Celebrate and Win a Camelbak in US4CES Camo

Tuesday, November 20th, 2012

ADS Inc has just surpassed 6000 Likes on Facebook. To celebrate, we asked ADS to let us giveaway a Camelbak Urban Assault Pack in US4CES OCIE pattern. You can be one of the first to own a pack in this sought after pattern.

Since we’re celebrating Facebook ‘Likes’ we’re going to run the contest on Facebook. To win, you’ll need to start by giving both ADS Inc and SSD a ‘Like’. Then, you’ll need to comment on Facebook.com/adsinc explaining that SSD sent you and which US4CES pattern you like and why. For example, “SSD sent me here, I like US4CES OCIE Pattern because I like how it blends with all of the other patterns (btw, if we see that statement cut and pasted word for word, you won’t win). The comment should focus on which US4CES pattern is your favorite and why.

On Sunday 25 November at 2359Z we’ll randomly select a winner from the entries on the ADS Inc Facebook wall. The winning entry must meet all of the requirements. The winner will be contacted via private message and has 24 hours to follow up with shipping address. Failure to follow up within 24 hours will result in forfeiture of prize. Must be 18 to enter. Void where prohibited.

More on US4CES Family of Camouflage from ADS IncADS Tactical

Monday, November 5th, 2012

Developed by ADS Inc in conjunction with Guy Cramer of HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp for the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort, the digital textured US4CES consists of four color variants; Woodland, Arid, Transitional as well as a common OCIE pattern for personal protective equipment. In fact, its currently a finalist along with three other contenders to become the US Army’s next camouflage.


Still Think US4CES Camo Looks Just Like MARPAT?

Thursday, November 1st, 2012


I’ve heard from more than one commenter that the ADS Inc US4CES family of patterns ( US Army Camo Improvement Program Finalists) is just like MARPAT. Here, co-developer, Guy Cramer of HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp explains the differences.

Guy Cramer, President/CEO of Hyperstealth, developed US4CES pattern independent of MARPAT. He came up with new Macro and Micro patterns designed to increase effectiveness at much greater distances than MARPAT which will isoluminate (The pattern appears as one color rather than four removing the disruptive quality) at much closer distances than US4CES.

Another improvement comes with the “Boundary Luminance Gradient” between the two dominant color layers which create a better disruption element between the two similar hues. Colorblind people see similar color layers the same and the disruption effect is lost – the green hue of night vision has the same effect and the target shape is easier to detect, thus the boundary luminance gradient helps separate these colors even under colorblind conditions. It also adds a 3D effect and the brain interprets this as depth and texture further confusing the vision processing system.

The Macro pattern was also designed to break up the human shape more effectively than had been accomplished with previous patterns.


HyperStealth claims this photo is taken under Night Vision but the color looks a bit off to me. Either way, you can see the differences in the patterns when they are side by side.



Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012


If you’re at AUSA, make sure you visit ADS Inc in booth # 2413 and throw your business card in the bowl for a chance to win one of 10 CamelBak Urban Assault packs in the OCIE pattern of the US4CES family of camouflage.


Warrior Expo East – US4CES Camo

Friday, July 13th, 2012


The first thing you see at the 2012 Warrior Expo East.


