
BlackSheepWarrior – “Ghost Gun .30 Cal Magazine Clip”


BlackSheepWarrior is now offering the official “Ghost Gun .30 Cal Magazine Clip” in honor of CA State Senator Kevin de Leon and SB 808, perfect for all ‘.30 cal ghost guns capable of dispersing 30 bullets in half a second’. The magazine is a black PMAG 30 Gen 2, featuring custom laser work by Jeff from

If you missed CA State Senator Kevin de Leon’s comments, check out the video below:


12 Responses to “BlackSheepWarrior – “Ghost Gun .30 Cal Magazine Clip””

  1. Weaver says:

    Jerry Miceluk has a nice response.

  2. Bman says:

    Indeed he did.

  3. Haji says:

    Most Senators don’t need the help of video to make fools of themselves, but it sure helps make the stupid available to the rest of us.

  4. Eric B says:

    His babbling is hilarious. Like a bunch of key phrases strung together into a stream-of-consciousness word salad. Like listening to a drunk toddler

  5. Stefan S. says:

    The ignorance of leftists and their politburo members is amazing

  6. JohnC says:

    Senator de Leon, I am appalled at the level of ignorance, imprecision, and bigotry I saw in your press conference. “Ghost Guns?” Really? For your information, the appropriate term is “undocumented firearms.”

    • Haji says:

      The left doesn’t believe in “undocumented” anymore. they call them “soon to be registered voters” now.

  7. Invictus says:

    Shame they didn’t put his hairdo on the ghost.

  8. Mike Nomad says:

    Wow. I just read the law that the Polyester SBI in the video got passed (California SB 808). There is stuff in it that almost made my blood run backwards: