TYR Tactical

Tactical-Life.com – Setcan StressVest System


This week’s post from Tactical-Life.com covers Setcan’s laser-based StressVest system. A safer option for force-on-force training, the StressVest system consists of a receiver vest that reacts to strikes from laser pulses. A transmitter reads these strikes, and sends signals to a training belt which records the hits, and can be configured to vibrate, or shock the wearer.

For the full story, visit www.tactical-life.com/magazines/guns-and-weapons/setcan-stressvest-system-force-force-law-enforcement-training


7 Responses to “Tactical-Life.com – Setcan StressVest System”

  1. Haji says:

    So a little bit like Lasertag taken to the logical extent of the idea.

    • Bill says:

      Or MILES in a usable form factor for LE. Simunitions has priced itself beyond reach in the age of airsoft for FOF training, and while better than a Supersoaker, airsoft has it’s own issues. I’ve been waiting for somebody else to gunea-pig this system, but the Shock-knife they put out has been a great training tool.

  2. Mohican says:

    Who is using this currently for training?

    • John says:

      It’s not legitimate if “Tier One” units aren’t operating in it.


  3. Chris K. says:

    Sounds stressful.

  4. Erik says:

    I wonder how the wife would feel if I brought this home…..