FirstSpear TV

Arc’teryx Announces Rebranding to Archaeopteryx

Vancouver, B.C. – April 1 2014 – North Vancouver based outdoor apparel manufacturer Arc’teryx today announced it is rebranding.


Arc’teryx, or rather the brand formerly known as Arc’teryx, has undertaken a major rebranding effort in order to unburden the tongues of outdoor enthusiasts around the world. Effective April 1, the Company is switching from the condensed word, Arc’teryx to it’s easier to pronounce root -Archaeopteryx.

“The name Arc’teryx is a key part of our history and we will always be proud of that. But as our products enter markets around the world, we want everyone to enjoy saying our name as much as they do wearing our products; that’s why it’s important to have a name that will be easy to pronounce across the globe,” said Vincent Wauters, GM & CEO of the company. “Authenticity is central to our brand and it always felt like we were betraying ourselves with the abbreviated word. Now, we can move forward, confident that we are true to our core users and the core of our name.”

Beginning immediately, all products will have the full word updated under the logo. In Burnaby, where the brand has its own factory, the intense reprogramming of machinery and positioning the full name has already started. A redesign of the new logo was unveiled today along with the two year multi-million dollar plan to entirely erase the previous name.

The company is asking for patience from its customers. An online registration, for those wishing to have their products rebranded, will be in place shortly. When asked if the cost of the new look was going to be reflected in future pricing, Vincent Wauters had “no comment at this time.”


35 Responses to “Arc’teryx Announces Rebranding to Archaeopteryx”

  1. MattF says:

    A little premature for an April Fool’s Day joke isn’t it?

    • SSD says:

      What makes you think it’s a joke?

      • Zach says:

        The “convenience” of the day they chose to make a completely superfluous change that isn’t really a change at all.

  2. DaveM says:

    Lol. It’s 5 o’clock somewhere! In what time zone is it 4/1?

  3. Bob says:

    This HAS to be April fools, it just has to be.

  4. Fritzthedog says:

    April fools or not…oh how the mighty have fallen…dead bird is now a company run by turd polishers. How about reinvesting that marketing budget into R&D and creating great product again? Otherwise, sooner or later people, will realize how dead the dead bird really is…good luck with that.

    • Ash says:

      Fritz, your attempt at an April Fool’s post falls kinda flat. Or are you just hatin’ on gear you don’t own? Do you even archaeopteryx, bro?

      • Shawn says:

        Seriously? Some of the best kit I’ve ever owned. Sure the price tag stings, but their quality of construction and functionality is incredible, and an amazing warranty. Fact check the hate.

        • Fritzthedog says:

          What they are and what they could be are worlds apart- the exodus of great talent from ArcTeryx indicates that not all is well in the nest.
          No hate, just disappointment in Amer Corp.

  5. ODG says:

    April fools epic fail.

  6. Herman says:

    They are going to rename the leaf programme too. It will become the GRASS project. Gear for Really Awsome Super Soldiers……

  7. PigmyPuncher says:

    I was about to post I didn’t believe it.. but just went to their website. Either they’re in on the joke or…..

  8. AGL Bob says:

    They are also adding an e to Vertx.

  9. Hort says:

    The embroidered bird is enough. Not really interested in a 13 letter word plastered across my chest. Fire the director of marketing. Bad idea!

  10. mike says:

    I’ve had a poster or photocopied picture of the Berlin Archaeopteryx on my wall since I was a kid. It’s the background on my work computers. I would be okay with this πŸ˜‰

  11. Jack T says:

    I like the word ExpensiveT’ryx for a company name… my credit cards screams every time I buy there products.

  12. Mike Mike says:

    I would fire everyone involved in this crap. If they would spend their working hours on trying to lower their prices instead of this we could buy more product. I wonder how many man hours and comapny capital was spent on this BS? Anyway….that’s funny!!!! Im just kidding… πŸ˜‰

    • SSD says:

      They don’t want to lower their prices. That would mean a compromise in quality and then they wouldn’t be Arctereoptryx anymore.

      • Mike Mike says:

        Good point…but I still aint paying more money for those extra letters….. πŸ˜‰

  13. Adrian says:

    Some of you guys have no sense of humor… Sad.

  14. I’d say they should fire their advertising/marketing department and start over.

  15. Kent says:

    Wow no sense of humour amongst the earth people. I thought it was hilarious! ……it was an April Fools joke, wasn’t it……..?

  16. Husky says:

    don’t they have better thing to do?
    not every English speaker can not say that damn word right…and you are expecting the rest of world to say it right..(read my middle finger).the only good thing is it will make the knock off more difficult to copy it or spell it right! and think about how much you have to spend to change all the stores sign worldwide? what a waste…and you guys keep emphasizing to reduce the weight now you want to put more letters on the jacket? this is ridiculous..the marketing guy must on drug ….

  17. Paul says:

    Husky, you mad bro?

  18. Tim says:

    Limited edition release of some of there stuff with the rebrand would be sweet.

  19. Hort says:

    Still offering free 2 day hmm…. Blowing out stuff with old label maybe?

  20. DEEBEES says:

    Isn’t that the same thing? Arc’teryx is the same as Archaeopteryx, the apostrophe just holds the space of the middle of the word. Making it easier for people to pronounce. Keep the original. It flows off the tongue much easier

  21. skinner says:

    Exhale, folks – good old dead bird is back! πŸ™‚