
HyperStealth to Introduce INVISIB – Commercial Variant of Quantum Stealth

HyperStealth announced on their Facebook page earlier today that they would release a commercial version of their long promised Quantum Stealth. I for one am looking forward to the release simply so I can finally speak openly about the technology.


With authorization from the U.S. Military last week, Hyperstealth INVISIB will be the first commercial variant of Quantum Stealth (Light Bending Material). A confidential version with a higher capability will be available for Law Enforcement/Military Regular Forces and a highly advanced classified version will be available for Tier 1 and Tier 2 Special Forces Teams in Canada and the U.S. only.

Hyperstealth is now in the process of establishing the Intellectual Property (IP) for INVISIB, and only after the IP is secured will the product be demonstrated to the public.

Hyperstealth was not allowed to pursue the IP prior to this recent authorization as Canada does not allow patents to be taken out on classified technology and while the U.S. does allow patents on classified technology, it would have to be stamped secret and would not allow Hyperstealth to secure worldwide protection.


19 Responses to “HyperStealth to Introduce INVISIB – Commercial Variant of Quantum Stealth”

  1. Tom says:


  2. MED says:

    This is going to crush

  3. orly? says:

    Just in time for a new Cold War.

  4. nikuraba29 says:

    Ghost Recon for real yo.

  5. Reseremb says:

    If this really works, I’ll take another two jobs to pay for it.

  6. Pro Patria says:

    I can see the FLIPLS now after every field problem. “Sarge, I just sat it down for a second. You now how hard it is to see, I couldn’t find it.”

  7. Reverend says:

    I will pay a lot of money for this.

  8. Matt says:

    I will pay my years wages if this isn’t followed up by scientific data and a 25 page scribd document explaining all the reasons why it’s better but still lost out. 🙂 just my .02

  9. Lcon says:

    I am still trying to figure out if this is like a Poncho, a Sneaking suit, A cover that goes over existing gear, all of the above or none of the above

  10. blue says:

    still no real photos or videos of this stuff.

    • SSD says:

      He has videos but has not made them public. Perhaps, now that he is ready to release the tech he will consider posting a video or even some stills.

      • Andrew says:

        Hi SSD,

        Have you seen any of Guy’s stuff? or are we all waiting for an elaborate “Emperor’s New Clothes” thing?

        • SSD says:

          I have seen photographs of the technology and understand how it works. I have agreed to not disclose anything until HyperStealth releases the technology.

          Once it has, the market will judge its value.

  11. Mayor Gooch says:

    I’ve expressed my skepticism before. I will say that if SSD is vouching (something I missed previously), I’m slightly less inclined to rail again. After all, I don’t want to be the stodgy codger who knee-jerkingly denies the marvels of the modern age. That said, I will bite off the snark and sarcasm, but I do reserve the right to remain skeptical.

  12. John says:

    The latest from HyperStealth: We’ve done great and mystical things, but we can’t show you any evidence of it!!!

  13. JBAR says:

    Does is work by the absorption or bending of light/energy?