
Photo of First Magpul M-LOK Equipped Rifle

So who built the first AR to feature the new Magpul M-LOK accessory attachment mount? Why, Hodge Defense Systems Inc of course!

Hodge Defense M-LOK

This M-LOK equipped AU MOD-1 made its public debut at last week’s NRA Annual Meeting.

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9 Responses to “Photo of First Magpul M-LOK Equipped Rifle”

  1. AV says:


  2. Scott says:

    IDK if its just me but im not a fan, having to buy little pieces of rail only to screw them onto a rail to mount said items onto a rail system seems a little overkill….I like magpul stuff but not this…

    • Mike Nomad says:

      I too am not a fan of having to add rail to mount whatever. I use a drop-in guard from Diamondhead on my carbine because their mount points on the guard are threaded (no nut needed for the fastener). So, I screw in stuff directly (stud for a Harris bipod, and a slightly modified Magpul MVG) at 6 o’ clock.

  3. Jon C. says:

    We have 17 direct-connect accessories in the works, some coming out very soon, some a little later on in the year. The idea is NOT to add rails and then bolt things onto the rails.

    • Scott says:

      Sounds good Jon, but then wouldn’t you agree that the launch of this was a little premature? Also, what does the user use to protect their hands from heat? will their be a grip system that can be place on it to protect from heat?

  4. Jon C. says:

    I wouldn’t say it’s premature at all. The spec is out there for any interested manufacturer to start building on, and for the consumer to become educated on. M-LOK was a Magpul program, but the intent was to provide an easy to manufacture and design attachment standard that works across a broad spectrum of materials and applications for the industry, and provide it at no cost. In the very near future, you will be able to buy a non-Magpul rail and put non-Magpul acessories on it. The first step in making that happen was to get it out there for everyone to use.

  5. Will W. says:

    It looks a little like a Geiselle handguard. I’d say they REALLY missed the bus by not making it Keymod… Will purchase one though before I make any real judgement calls.