
Ohio Ordnance Works – HCAR Pre-Sale Package


Ohio Ordnance is offering an exclusive pre-sale package for the HCAR – Heavy Counter Assault Rifle. Limited to 250 sets, this package includes an HCAR with:

– 16″ barrel
– Troy Industries front and rear flip-up sights
– Advanced Armament Muzzle-Brake
– Magpul CTR Buttstock

Additionally, the package also comes with a .30 caliber cleaning kit, owner’s manual, certificate of authenticity, four 30-round HCAR magazines, Kydex magazine holder with MOLLE mounting hardware, 100 rounds of .30-06 Greek HXP ammo, and HCAR Owner’s Membership Website access, all in a custom fit hard case with foam.


9 Responses to “Ohio Ordnance Works – HCAR Pre-Sale Package”

  1. Bert says:

    I really like this rifle, and the concept for its intended role, however I would have gone about it a bit differently. If somewhere in the back of the designer’s mind they intend it to be a sniper support weapon with more ma bell in it than the M110, then they should have debuted it chambered for .300 win mag, rather than the venerable but sadly outmoded .30-06. Also, while their new 30 round BAR magazine is interesting, it adds weight to a rifle they went to great lengths to lighten, and said magazine also adds height, making it presumeably more difficult to operate in the prone. Overall, and despite these drawbacks I can see from sitting on the bench, I still want to shoot one, and I think it may have some potential for military or law enforcement contracts if said forces identify such a need.

  2. Vinnie says:


    But not $4699 dollars cool lol!

  3. Stefan S. says:

    Agreed cost is ridiculous. IMHO not practical. But an interesting wall hanger/safe queen for people with more cash than sense.

  4. Pieter says:

    Heavy, ancient caliber, horribly expensive, too many different little controls… But I still want one, albeit on someone else’s tab.

  5. Red says:

    That is one ugly gun.

  6. Joe says:

    It’ll be in a movie soon enough

  7. jjj0309 says:

    Modernized BAR? Hell Yeah!
    Wait, What? $5000? Um… no..

  8. The giant skunk says:

    A “Heavy Jake Sulliivan”rifle! (almost)
    Very cool

  9. Muzzlehatch says:

    The 30-06 is never a bad idea.