SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Warrior East – Beyond A9 Shorty Update

About two weeks ago we published a story on Beyond’s new A9 Shorty Mission Shirt. Beyond read your comments and modified the shirt with slightly longer sleeves, bringing them to the elbow.


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12 Responses to “Warrior East – Beyond A9 Shorty Update”

  1. Strike-Hold says:

    Nice to see some OSW camo again too. 🙂

  2. paul says:

    And to all the haters out there – dudes have been cutting sleeves off their tops for at least 10 years now (that I can recall), probably a lot longer. It’s cool to see a manufactured shirt but taking it to the sew shop or DIY is still more cost effective.

    • SSD says:

      If you’re paying extra money to have the sleeves shortened how is it more cost-effective to buy a long sleeve shirt and then cut off the sleeves?

      • D says:

        Modifying an issued shirt for $10 vs buying a shirt from Beyond for $170. Easy math.

      • paul says:

        I’m hoping most readers here would not buy a $200 shirt just to cut it up willy-nilly. Some of us are thrifty and know how to utilize a sewing machine.

  3. DZ says:

    beyond is doing good things, thumbs up

  4. straps says:

    The customer base may not be thinking this all the way through but Beyond certainly is.

  5. Jim says:

    I’ll definitely be purchasing a couple of these for range days and such.

  6. JJ says:

    Good. Now I’ll still have something to roll up 😉

  7. Jameson says:

    When are these coming out?