RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

The ZEV Technologies Experience – Slide Cuts

It’s week three of The ZEV Technologies Experience and I’m told that they’ve cut the new slide, custom designed for SSD, but don’t quite want to let the whole cat out of the bag meaning we’re only going to see glimpses of what they’ve done. So far, ZEV has checked the pistol in and pulled the parts for the custom build.


In this video, you can see the slide being precision cut in house, from 1704 Billet Stainless Steel.

Undoubtedly, the most prominent feature is the cutout for the RMR. The slide cut is specific for the Trijicon RMR and offers 1/3 co-witness, featuring ZEV technologies proprietary RMR mounting posts.


I just received word yesterday that Trijicon has graciously sent an RMR in to Zev Texhnologies to be incorporated into the build. This is going to be an exciting gun to shoot.



5 Responses to “The ZEV Technologies Experience – Slide Cuts”

  1. I hear you’re getting a slick holster to go with it too!

  2. Felix says:

    SSD…. Im a BIT jealous 😉

  3. Chucker says:

    Wow, surprising they cut the logo dry like that…unless that was a test part. In any event, it should be a very sweet piece when done.