TYR Tactical

Alias Training & Security Services Announces Addition Of SGM Daryl Holland As An Instructor

This is an announcement from Alias Training & Security Services regarding the recent addition of SGM Daryl Holland as an instructor under their fold.


Alias Training & Security Services is proud to announce the addition of long time Special Operations Veteran & firearms instructor Daryl Holland to our family.

Daryl Holland is a retired U.S. Army Sergeant Major with over 20 years of active duty experience, 17 of those years in Special Operations. He served five years with the 1st Special Forces Group (SFG) and 12 years in the 1st SFOD-Delta serving as an Assaulter, Sniper, Team Leader, and OTC Instructor.

He has conducted several hundred combat missions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, Philippines, and the Mexican Border. In particular, he is the veteran of combat missions in Afghanistan’s Hindu Kush Mountains as a Sniper and experienced Mountaineer and on the streets of Baghdad as an Assault Team Leader.

He has a strong instructor background starting as an OTC instructor and since retirement training law abiding civilians, Law Enforcement, U.S. Military, and foreign U.S. allied Special Operations personnel from around the world.

A link to Daryl Holland’s current class schedule can be found here: aliastraining.com

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One Response to “Alias Training & Security Services Announces Addition Of SGM Daryl Holland As An Instructor”

  1. CTF says:

    Congratulations Daryl!