RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

For The Ladies – Revenge Is Best Served Cold (with side of chips and a pickle)

We’ve all seen the “Make me a sammich” meme. Now, the ladies can get their revenge.


Pretty clever. Ya gotta laugh.

Comes as part of a “Fight Like A Girl” three pack.



13 Responses to “For The Ladies – Revenge Is Best Served Cold (with side of chips and a pickle)”

  1. Just says:

    That’s pretty gross.

  2. Just Tim says:

    I’m not sure I get it…

  3. Steve says:

    That’s cute and clever. However, we all are aware that except in extreme circumstances SHE would be incapable of MAKING a guy do anything. HE becoming a sub would be completely voluntary only, at his pleasure (pun intended), and would end the moment he no longer had interest.