
“AK vs AR”: The Musical


Ok, so it’s not really a musical, but “AK vs AR” is a magazine. I’m not quite sure how well my favorite internet kerfuffle is going to translate unto the printed page. After all, where will you post your comments regarding your favorite platform? Who will be there to listen to you pontificate on your experience with you favored platform? Let’s face it, a magazine based on everyone’s Internet straw man doesn’t sound like much fun at all. But, there are some cool articles in this special interest publication including a head to head competition with the AK and AR conducted by some very righteous dudes.

What’s next, “9mm vs .45?”

18 Responses to ““AK vs AR”: The Musical”

  1. caveman says:

    I would think that a “muzzle-to-muzzle shootout” would result in limited usable data and poor safety outcomes for all involved.

    *trying to keep it within my recent quarterly counseling

  2. BAP45 says:

    Maybe they will have a letters to the editor section where people can display the severity of their panty twist.

    • phil says:

      isn’t standard panty twist 1:9 though? why would anyone need something different?

      • Joker says:

        I’ll stick with 1:7. More grains makes the panties fall off instead of just twisting.

        • BAP45 says:

          Or 1:15 for those reeeeally twisted ones

          (props to whoever catches that caliber reference :p)

  3. strike-hold says:

    Why stop there?

    Let’s have “.223 vs .308” and “6.8 SPC vs. 6.5 Grendel” too while we’re at it.

  4. Joker says:

    This is really gonna suck for the editor when those Phasers come out. It’ll then be “Phasers vs Everything Ever Made”

  5. Terry says:

    I think the obvious solution to the comments problem is for everyone to read the magazine and then post their comments here.

  6. Onegonz says:

    …and the winner is…….reflective belts. It’s always been reflective belts. Seriously guys, safety is not a joke.

  7. Wes Allen says:

    I need an ambulance! These comments are making laugh harder than I have in a long time! Too funny, all of you!

  8. Matt says:

    I am disappointed. I came for a musical number.

  9. Reverend says:

    Eugene, and Mikhail are sitting in “gun heaven” with John Moses, and Gatling, and laughing their collective keisters off.

  10. mike says:


    I want to know how a piston system is working without gas. I think if someone is going to explain a gas operating system to me I would want them to understand that Direct Impingement and Long/Short-Stroke Piston all use gas.