
AUSA – Barrett M240LW


Although it’s not exactly new, the Barrett M240LW is a lightweight variant of the fantastic M240 medium machine gun. Sure, the Army has the M240L which cut some significant weight off of the American version of the FN MAG but it uses a Titanium receiver which translates into mucho dinero.


Barrett took a different approach. They trimmed the fat out of the weapon. You’ve got to remember, the MAG 58 is over 60 years old. By analyzing the gun’s construction and applying modern design and manufacturing techniques, they were able to trim about five-and-a-half pounds from its weight down to 21.15 pounds The design is also interesting in that the receiver is manufactured in two pieces from solid billet and then welded together. This results in 2 receiver components rather than the 64 found on a standard M240. You’ll also notice a new, Barrett-designed telescoping Buttstock with adjustable length of pull and hydraulic buffer. While there is no top barrel shroud the lower handguard features KeyMod slots.


19 Responses to “AUSA – Barrett M240LW”

  1. Wes says:

    PKM: “that’s cute”

  2. majrod says:


    The first M249’s didn’t have a barrel shroud either. That didn’t last long.

    • CrustyCameron says:

      Canadians and many other countries don’t use a barrel shroud. It’s a mistake the #2 will only make once, and if you are lucky, you can sometimes get a whiff of burnt on skin. Canadian Minimi’s/M249’s (C9A2) don’t have a shroud either.

      • Common Sense says:

        I have never seen the need for them. When working with US Army pers and weapons, I have always found them to get in the way. Shrouds seem like a fancy dress on a pig, why bother?

    • balais says:

      What is a barrel shroud?

      Is that the shoulder thingy that goes up?

    • Stiggy says:

      We use the 240L in my unit, but pulled off all the heat shields and run it bare barrel like MAG 58s. They’re only good for getting lost or bent up.

  3. R711 says:

    I have always wonder what the American fascination with barrel shrouds were. I was a C6 (M240) gunner for 8 years and never burned myself or anything else for that matter. So, I have to ask why?

  4. AlexC says:

    Are you not always supposed to be wearing gloves anyways?

    I still have my first pair of Issue gloves that are all burnt up that I show to new recruits during training. Lucky for me my skin didn’t get melted, just the gloves.

  5. Terry says:

    I’ve always been a fan of the MAG 58 and its variants. A very well designed and effective gun, if a little on the heavy side.

    I still need to find myself a deac/replica L37 GPMG to mount in the turret of my Saracen Mk 5.

  6. Lcon says:

    FN used a Titanium receiver, front sight, carry handle, bipod, and Shortened barrel to create the M240L that tips the scales at 22.3 pounds.
    Barrett Trimmed the steel updated the manufacturing. Producing the 240LW with a weight of 21.51 pounds. and is backwards compatible.
    Barrett should really get a contract. I wonder if the Marines are interested.

  7. Common Sense says:

    There is nothing about it on their website yet-

    SSD, if you can get more photos it would be appreciated, I am thoroughly intrigued.

    • SSD says:

      Unfortunately no. The rep I spoke to good me there was a full press package on their site. Obviously, he lied.

  8. Jack Luz says:

    Now that’s what I’m talking about. Why did it take so long to improve on the M240/MAG. Taiwan already had a head start. Same deal with the M249 SAW.