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AUSA – Ops-Core ACH Upgrade Components – UPDATED


Here are some photos of the individual components in the Ops-Core Advanced Combat Helmet upgrades. Naturally, they can be all adopted or as individual pieces.


The first piece is the 360 Deg Liner and Retention System. It attaches into place via the Velcro patches already installed in the ACH shell. The liner provides permanent impact protection (particularly against rotational forces) and you still insert pads so I’m going to suggest, if you use this upgrade, you’ll need to size up on your shell.

UPDATE – It’s true you use pads with the EPP liner but they are specially designed for use with the liner. It is not designed to be used in conjunction with the issue helmet pad. I spoke with Ops-Core and they gave me this info.

The new liner has a variable thickness EPP protective component that is coupled with comfort pads that come in three thicknesses: 1/4″ 3/8″ and 1/2″ to create ideal comfort and stability. Individuals wearing a large ACH with issue pads can use the new liner in the same size shell with greater comfort and stability


The Skeleton One Hole Shroud weighs just 42.1 grams. It’s streamlined design is snag free and the single hole will fit right on to the ACH.

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They’ve also incorporated space in the lightening holes to tie off your NODs, if needed.

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The skeleton rails offer 14 wire and cable management attachment points. They are also universally sized to fit all ACH sizes Small through Extra-Large.

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The items are available in Black, Urban Tan and Foliage Green.


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5 Responses to “AUSA – Ops-Core ACH Upgrade Components – UPDATED”

  1. D says:

    Seems like a one-hole shroud with that small of a footprint and no “feet” is bound to rotate at least a little. Even the Wilcox L3 would rotate, and that was a nice mount.

    I do like the zip-tie holes on the new rails.

    • straps says:

      (1) Depends on the extent to which the mount follows the curvatures of the helmet. I’ve been nothing but impressed with the engineering of my Ops Core stuff (Arc Rails and H Nape), and that mount looks to curve on 2 axes.

      (2) If you’re stuck with the metal mount, get a rubber plumbing washer (baggie of six–for you and your crew–at Big Box hardware) and put that between the mount and the helmet as you push up on the “feet” at the bottom of the mount. That setup will not rotate.

      (3) If you rate a Wilcox mount you probably don’t bother with a cloth cover. In which case a thin layer of silicone sealant under the Wilcox mount as you install it will keep it from rotating. The sealant provides surface friction, not adhesion and the mount will pry off easily when the screw is removed.

      • D says:

        Um, I “rate” it, I was issued it, and it rotates. It’s not Wilcox’s fault. It’s the Army’s fault for ignoring the superior 3-hole designs.

  2. Weaver says:

    Is this a different rail than the ARC one on their website, which says it will not fit an extra-large helmet?

    If so, will it fit an XL 2001 high-cut helmet?