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IWI Galil ACE In 7.62×39 To Be Released For US Market


Military Arms Channel, through their Facebook page, revealed that IWI will be importing the Galil ACE in 7.62×39 for the US market. It will initially be available as a pistol with a side folding SB15 brace starting February 2015. Pictured is the SBR variant that the pistol will be based on.


It was also mentioned that IWI will be offering a 16″ barreled variant a month later in March.

Stay tuned for further details as they are revealed.

All pictures and information came from the Military Arms Channel Facebook page:


18 Responses to “IWI Galil ACE In 7.62×39 To Be Released For US Market”

  1. Steve says:

    I will be purchasing one of these when they hit the market. Everything I have read indicates it is an excellent platform. Nice modernized Kalashnikov ……

  2. Noah-TD says:

    I want it

  3. Toby says:

    Ok, so as an 18B I am rarely excited about firearms. I have since I worked on and was testing on the Galils I fell in love with this rifle in particular. I have been unable to get an actual Galil for one excuse or another. Now that there is going to be a no BS Israeli Galil (and the ACE variant no less) on the market, I have to have one of each. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. I am actually excited for the first time in a long time. Thank you IWI for cowboying the !@#$ up and bringing us back our Galil.

    • Matt says:

      Only issue is that as an imported pistol, it will not have any 922(r) parts in it, so turning it into a rifle/sbr isn’t going to work. Not to mention they said they wont be doing the rifle….yet. It will be the pistol first.

      • Hoff says:

        The rifle will hit the US market a month after the pistol. MAC says March.

        • Matt says:

          Well if the rifle is hitting the market, that means they are doing the assembly here domestically.. so it must already have 922(r) parts, or they brought tooling over to do the whole rifle here. Regardless, this is good news.

      • mike says:

        Actually import pistols changed to an SBR DO NOT have to be 922r compliant!

        • Jackson says:


          • Scrounger556 says:

            SBR’s are not defined as a “semi-automatic rifle”, they are “short barreled rifles” and therefore not subject to 922R. ATF regulation book definitions of types of firearms would be your reference.

  4. DGR says:

    This would go perfect with my Galil ARM!

  5. AbnMedOps says:

    Hope they bring back the 7.62 x51 Galil, in updated form!

  6. DanW says:

    Coming to a school shooting near you!

  7. scott says:

    DanW is obviously a douche bag…..
    Looks like a awesome home defense weapon…

  8. Moltar777 says:

    I can’t wait for this. I just can’t decide whether I want the ACE or the SIG 556xi in 7.62×39. Any thoughts or recommendations?

  9. cj says:

    want. want. want.

  10. Bill P. says:

    My comments regarding DanW were obviously a little too vulgar and were removed. Scott’s response was far too kind. As for the Galil Ace, it’s fantastic, super fast mag changes and bolt release now. Considerably lighter too. I wonder if there is still a receiver cracking issue if the Galil is used as a SAW. LOVE the older Galil though.

  11. James F says:

    Hard to say for sure without a good look at the internals, but this looks la lot like a clone of the Sig 551/556 series of rifles. Which were themselves basically modernized AK’s…