SureFire XC3

The Silencing – Happy Halloween From SilencerCo

From SilencerCo productions comes The Silencing.

Try not to avert your eyes as you witness… the macabre!

Try not to recoil in horror as you experience… pure terror!

Try not to lose yourself in morbid fascination as you hear… a reduction in shot report!

The Silencing – Coming to a compatible firearm near you.

Rated TSR for Tax Stamp Required.


6 Responses to “The Silencing – Happy Halloween From SilencerCo”

  1. III%ER says:

    I think I had this dream one night after eating some bad Chinese food!

  2. Lcon says:

    What the @#$%%$# Was That!?

  3. MtMedic says:

    ^Agree ..



  4. Anon says:

    That perfectly good kickball 🙁

  5. Texas-Roll-Over says:

    Ahh, yes, the power of having a modern, in house, media and PR group.

  6. jimmy says:

    The real horror is experienced by the person that has to clean all that up.