RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

TRAKBELT360 On Kickstarter


Created by Firefighter and Forensic Photographer Chris Landano, the TrakBelt360 is a belt system that allows the wearer to rotate their gear and tools a full 360 degrees in either direction. Designed to accommodate any pouch or tool holster, which can also be locked into place at the user’s discretion. It is made from durable, water-resistant, military grade materials, with belt keepers that secure the TrakBelt360 to the wearer’s pants belt, and fabric belt pads for waist support.

You can check out the campaign here: www.kickstarter.com/projects/1254790542/trakbelt360tm-take-your-tools-for-a-spin


12 Responses to “TRAKBELT360 On Kickstarter”

  1. jonnyb says:

    Interesting idea that I could definitely see transfering over to the tactical market. It would be nice to be able to keep a med kit in the small of your back and slide it around to the front for patient care, but I wonder how that would work effectively with sidearms, coms, and mag pouches. Maybe something where the whole system slides in sync? I also wonder about sliding under movement (running, gunning, generally being a “cool guy”) Does it take deliberate force to move the pieces? Maybe a friction lock system that can be quickly disengaged? Just thinking out loud. Bad ass for Hard Hat types, though.

  2. Henrik says:

    Nice to see this being done.

    I guess it could work for a soldier as an additional layer on top the stuff you want static like pistol and mag pouches.

    I really just need my fanny pack to rotate. It is on its own belt with is vertically over my normal belt and gear.

    • Henrik says:

      what I meant is that you would probably layer this laterally (horizontally when standing) the 2ndary firearm, mags etc should be static for mussle memory.

      In other words this should probably be a layered laterally on top of the first line stuff.

  3. Henrik says:

    What would be interesting is if one could set this up on a plate carrier.

    Then one could have a heavy loadout with identical setup on the back as on the chest. Halfway through the battle one rotates the fresh setup that was on the back and get all the empty mag pouches out of the way and now on your back.

    • Eddie says:

      Uh, that sounds extremely heavy. However, for crawling it would definitely work without jacking up your pouches. Or say, you got another platform for like a grenade launcher with the ammunition on your back, might work better. Looks like dump pouches are gonna trump the rotating magazines unfortunately.

  4. Jason says:

    That’s pretty cool! I’m not sure how it’ll work when you’ve got more than a few pouches on your belt. This is really innovative though.

  5. AGL Bob says:

    I’m already thinking of how this concept could be incorporated into a climbing harness.

  6. dlo says:

    from a tradesman’s perspective, this is definitely trying to reinvent the wheel

    • Developing new concepts is not reinventing the wheel. I think this looks very clever, from a tradesman’s perspective.

      • dlo says:

        Too many moving parts. If I’m at work and we have a lot of sh*t to get done the last thing I want is my fancy new track belt breaking on me

  7. Joe says:

    Myself and another Marine were trying to make this back in 2010/2011. Never materialized glad to see someone had the same concept

  8. Tim Ellwood says:

    A few years back there was a commercial on TV for some kind of snack, don’t even remember what, that came in multiple flavors.
    One of the actors had a belt that had the boxes attached so they could access each different one.
    Looked very close to this product.