SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Shadow End

Shadow End from Adam Taylor on Vimeo.

The MC-130P Combat Shadows have been retired from AFSOC service. This video was produced for the end party. Although they were a relic from a short lived Rescue/SOF amalgamation, their capability will be missed.

10 Responses to “Shadow End”

  1. SN says:

    129th Rescue Wing (CAANG) still has “MC-P’s”.

    • SSD says:

      Yes, I should have been more clear. Retired from AFSOC.

      However, the 130Ps in rescue are HC-130P Kings which will be replaced by HC-130J Combat King IIs.

  2. Jbgleason says:

    MERICA! That is all. Carry on.

  3. ShadoRo says:

    AFSOC hasn’t retired all of them yet. Still ske in service and they aren’t a relic from a short lived rescue/sof service. They have been in AFSOC since the 80s.

  4. SShink says:

    Those airframes are 50 years old and probably close to being timed out. In these days of disposable crap, it’s amazing that an aircraft can last that long.

  5. Hans J says:

    What’s up with picking an anti-government protest song for the soundtrack? What a weird music choice.

    • Terry B says:

      I think they chose an “anti-government” song about revolution because they were linking it to the Thomas Payne quote and 1776. But I could be wrong.

      What seemed odd to me was the Matthew McConaughey monologue from his car commercial. It fit I guess…but still…it was Matthew McConaughey!

      Thanks for posting this SSD.

      I rode in the back of those old birds many times for many reasons. I know it is their time to go…but I’ll miss them.