
A-TACS – iX Pattern Is Coming To SHOT Show


A-TACS CAMO Manufacturers and Brand Partners, check out the newest addition to the A-TACS Camo family of patterns, A-TACS iX at the 2015 SHOT SHOW in Las Vegas; January 20-23rd. Booth 10672

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12 Responses to “A-TACS – iX Pattern Is Coming To SHOT Show”

  1. bulldog76 says:

    So lets see they have camo for endor and for tatooine so what planet is this for….

    • DGM says:

      Take your pic:

      • DGM says:

        The tactical concealment program for Alderaan was cancelled because….well…because……Death Star..

      • Eddie says:

        I’d vote pretty hard for Kashyyyk, the Clones had pretty nice armor for that planet in Episode III, especially Commander Gree who undoubtedly had the coolest custom armor scheme, too bad he lost his head.

  2. Jim says:

    Now that was worth logging on for! 🙂

  3. CAVstrong says:

    In all seriousness winter or transitional?

    • TexasKrypteia says:

      “Intermediate Xtreme”

      I’m going with transitional. I was wondering when A-TACS would come out with a transitional pattern. I’ll be sure to swing by the booth.

    • SteveB says:

      A little cognitive dissonance here, as intermediate implies ‘in-between’ and extreme implies the opposite. ‘Intermediate-Extreme’ does not compute.

    • JJe says:

      Mabye transitional between snow, and no-snow. Like Finns witer jackets.

  4. REMF says:

    Ah, Multi-TACS eh. This will be interesting to see.