RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Crib Gogh – Malaysian Jungle Combat Shirt


This combat shirt was developed for the Malaysian military as a jungle uniform by UK specialist manufacturer Crib Gogh. It incorporates a padded shawl-style collar and take up tabs through ought the design. In fact, you may notice padding in several sections of the shirt. This is D3O. Additionally, the back of the shirt features a mesh strip to mitigate overheating while wearing a pack.



15 Responses to “Crib Gogh – Malaysian Jungle Combat Shirt”

  1. bulldog76 says:

    Well with the Pacific pivot maybe the us army can ..im not gonna say copy but… utilize some features from this design for tropical/ hot weather combat shirts

  2. Asinine Name says:

    Not shown on Crib Gogh’s website – how to acquire one?

  3. cy says:

    Wouldn’t the padding hold your body heat.

    • Yes, and potentially get soaked with rain/sweat and never dry out. That is if they used the open cell foam. Would rather see this shirt without the padding, not really needed in jungle environments anyways.

  4. Asinine Name says:

    I wondered about that too. Maybe it’s thought to be an acceptable trade-off? The padding may also be removable, which seems like the most sensible compromise.

  5. FHRITP says:

    A steal at $400 or whatever outrageous fucking price theyll demand

  6. COL REMF says:

    I need this, if only to fight jungle zombies. The collar appears sloppy enough to vent heat. Having had to wrap my neck with a triangle bandage during my time in the jungle in Panama and Hawaii, such a collar would indeed be a useful feature

    • Squirreltakular says:

      Out of curiosity, and not having to have done any jungle training, what is the padded collar for? Sling chafing?

  7. The mesh strip is a nice touch for the malaria caring mozzies

  8. STEPAN1983 says:

    Most of the mesh strip surface will be covered with armor vest/ they shoul cover upper part of strip near neck

  9. adil says:

    I wonder if the malaysians will change their camo pattern too.

  10. JB says:

    Man, that shirt is filled with horrible features, what do the Malaysian’s know about working in the jungle?

    Oh, wait……

  11. BehindBinos says:

    what a cr.p… why did the malaysians let the european to do the design of the jungle uniform anyway? Good luck with wasting money…

  12. Stick says:

    Nice to see new features and have someone break out of the mold. Integration is going to be a key feature at some point down the road for modern uniforms.

  13. Martinez says:

    Current ACS, by Massif, is 10x more breathable and appropriate for jungle. Only issue with ACS is that there is no insect repellent permethrin treatment that works on knits. It helps if someone out there comes up with it.