TYR Tactical

Stay Safe Out There

These past two days have been rough for America’s law enforcement community. We mourn the loss of the three officers killed in the line of duty and our condolences go out to their families and loved ones.


For all of the rest of you. Be careful and strive for excellence in all that you do. Keep your head in the game. We are counting on you.

82 Responses to “Stay Safe Out There”

  1. Snake says:

    Thanks, SSD.

  2. Tony says:

    Never trust a black.

    • Eric says:

      A “black” what? Surely not a Black person, because that would be a racist and ignorant comment that has no place here on SSD or anywhere else. So, maybe clarify that statement.

    • PNW_Tree_Octopus says:

      Never listen to a racist?

      • Terry B. says:


        Tony is simply taking advantage of the anonymity of the internet to do what racists have always done…demonstrate ignorance and spew hate.

        Thanks for calling him out.


        • Bill says:

          Hmm as opposed to the of equality cool aid drinkers such as yourself. Race correlates with IQ. Do some research on human biodiversity rather than cry oh no, big bad Waaaasist – it’s not working anymore.

          • Terry B says:

            What flavor is the racist kool aid Bill?

            You seem to have gargled a copious amount of that nasty concoction yourself.

            Cosmetic differences between the largely arbitrary sub sets of humanity have no correlation with IQ, Bill.

            Lighter or darker skin pigmentation, hair and eye color, etc. don’t indicate whether you are smarter or dumber than the next person. That’s the science of genetics.

            The pseudo science propaganda you refer to dates back at least to the 1920s-30s and was purposely designed to convince gullible little men that they were part of a “master race”.

            And if you are proud to associate yourself with those people…be my guest.


            • Jon C. says:

              The hilarious thing is that Barack Obama made it to the White House while Bill is stuck here arguing about race and IQ.

              Don’t even get me started about Neil deGrasse Tyson.

              Just shut the eff up Bill.

              • John says:

                Just shut up. The perfect PC commissar response. Obama and his affirmative action allies will be proud

            • John says:

              Have you any honesty? The founder of the DNS sequemce points out the relationship between iq and race. Yet you follow the shela Jackson lee bromide about equality.

              • Terry B. says:

                John / Bill / Jim,

                You are a funny little guy(s).

                You post under multiple names and then have the gall to speak of honesty.

                You also seem to have trouble with understanding simple terms like “equality”.

                In our Constitutional system, equality means everyone is treated with equal respect under and within the law.

                Regardless of their income, profession, skin color, IQ or any other individual characteristic or condition.

                Even petty racists like you.

                That concept seems to be something you cannot comprehend or refuse to accept.

                Since it bothers you so much, I suggest you seriously consider moving somewhere else.

                Because this Republic clearly isn’t for you.


    • JP says:

      How is it that all my comments have to be moderated before going up, but that is let through? God forbid I ever have anything negative to point out about a sponsor, but this is OK.

    • Taylor says:

      What in hell is wrong with you? Don’t make a fat joke on SSD, but blatant racism is fine. Whateva.

    • Terry B. says:


      Racism doesn’t get any less despicable because it comes coated in long discredited eugenics nonsense like it does in your link.

      But you just keep kidding yourself that your hate is somehow “justified”.

      • Ric says:

        Why exactly? You may not care about race but race cares about you. Just ask Obama “my people” holder, sharpton, etc…

        If you are so naive to believe this equality garbage and that there is not a war on whites, God help us.

        • Terry B. says:


          “War on whites”? What saddens me is that you actually believe that nonsense.

          Our country has some challenges and real issues that need to be openly discussed and addressed…including race relations.

          Adults are having that conversation – as uncomfortable as it might be – and I have no doubt that the US will be the better for it.

          The real war that is going on here and around the world is between cults of ignorance and everyone else.

          As far as I’m concerned that puts people like you, ISIL and dictators like Kim Jong Un on the same side of history.

          The wrong side.


          • Jim says:

            That is hilarious. You are so blindedby pc equality nonsense that you can’t address a reasoned argument about IQ and race? Race relations like that preached by obama’s pastor of 20 years Jeremiah wright?

          • John says:

            Really? The only people legally descriminated against are white males. Ever heard of affirmative action? Out as? College admissions? Even the Air Force pilot programs in the 80s were easier on blacks than whites. Grow a pair.

            • Terry B says:

              Bill / Jim / John,

              None of your alter egos would recognize a “reasoned argument” if it bit you on the ass.

              And you have yet to make any such argument.

              Try again.


          • John says:

            What side is the Marxist Mandela and his “kill the white farmer” and on?

  3. Doc says:

    Thank you SSD. Hearing it reminds us that the bulk of the people feel this way. Unfortunately the “others” seem to have the loudest voices and get all the play from the big media. Thanks for the reminder!

  4. xpoqx says:

    Is it me or does everything on that list after #10 seem little bit racist?

  5. Randall says:

    Thank you, friends at SSD. I am on duty in the same community as Ofc. Kondek. It has felt like a war against us recently, despite all the good we try to do every day. It’s nice to hear that some appreciate our struggles.


    • Terry B. says:


      Hang in there.

      It may not feel that way all the time, but you are truly appreciated by the vast majority of Americans of all persuasions.


    • matty says:

      I’m no crazy person but it does seem like cops have felt like they’re at war for longer than the general populace has. What with the coperators and the ‘warrior’ mindset. Again just my two cents. Stay safe out there.

    • Chris K. says:

      Amen, imagine a city without LEOs for just 24 hours and anyone can see why law enforce is so important to all communities. LE is what separates us from anarchy, literally. Thanks for your service.

      • orly? says:

        The argument is that if an entire city were armed, there would be no conflict.

        I respectfully disagree.

        Nothing stops making people from doing stupid things, having cops disappear only magnifies that ability.

        Distrust is a constant, that’s why gangs/militias exist in the first place.

        Take away cops, nothing’s stopping groups of armed people from hating/killing.

      • majrod says:

        Chris – agree with you but you make a dangerous assumption.

        There are those that cannot imagine a lawless city or worse fail to understand that evil exists in men independent of societal injustice, “underprivleged” upbringing or whatever liberal gobbledygook one prefers.

        These same folks tend to think our 2A is part of the problem. If the poor downtrodden didn’t have access to guns there would be less crime as they would use other methods to create “social justice”.

        The simple truth is evil exists in some men and when law ceases to exist, “might does make right”. Anybody who’s spent a couple of hours doing a presence patrol in a third world shithole knows this as well as victims of violent crime.

        Those that disagree have experienced neither…

  6. Andrew says:

    SSD thank you for recognizing the LE community. Living in NYC and having worked in a major prosecutors office I can honestly say that tensions have never been this high (in recent history-not since Amadou Diallo), specifically with regards to race. Recently there were two unfortunate events where suspects were killed by LEOs, but to see a city like NY turn on the police is rediculous. To see mobs of people chanting “what do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!” is truly disturbing, and it doesn’t help that we have a mayor who along with his best friend “the reverend” have been throwing fuel on the fire. It is my greatest hope that this city can heal itself.

    SSD- as a member of the media, do you think the major outlet’s coverage of this event will inspire copy cats? (Not saying your coverage)

    • walter says:

      I do worry he’s a canary in the coalmine, and that we’ll see copy-cats in the upcoming days/weeks.

      But the fact that this guy killed himself so quick makes it more of a suicide attack. Why not have a getaway plan? (Answer: because you’re crazy!!) The PA guy ambushed two cops and his plan went south fast; the walmart couple ambushed two cops, and they also didn’t last long (though the girlfriend ended it for them). This guy had been arrested 19 times, attempted suicide, was quoting the Koran, etc…he was on his way out anyway, and used Garner to try to play martyr. Crazies are generally going to find a justification no matter what, but the media definitely plays a role (see Roger Ebert’s classic take-down of the media for this: http://boingboing.net/2012/12/15/roger-ebert-on-how-the-press-r.html )

      I also think many populations (rightly AND wrongly, since one bad LEO makes everyone look bad) are feeling like police can harass and hurt (even kill) them with no fear of punishment or justice. Thanks to cameras on phones, we’re seeing more stuff–and sometimes were even getting much of the context (definitely not all the time nor all of the context). I’m from an LE family, so I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt. But one thing I notice is that there is a group who will mourn these officers JUST as they mourn the unfortunate victims of what they see as bad or questionable actions–like the gas station shooting where the victim was scared and “went for” his ID–and there is a group who will mourn these officers, but openly mock all of the supposed victims (with “I CAN breathe” shirts, etc.). There are definitely two sides talking past each other with emotions at the moment, but any solutions are going to be complex. I think anyone who blames anyone but the shooter has an obvious agenda, but I wish the media would just call these people murderers and not linger on about it, giving him a ton of news cycles.

      Thank you officers for your service, and be careful out there.
      Thanks also to those who quickly called out racism when it appeared on a gun/.mil forum (I see a lot of that going on with local forums, and no one says anything–or gets quietly banned when they do).

  7. orly? says:

    Seems interesting here.

    The same people that are usually pro-militia have the same perceived “enemy” as the people that have issues with the “police state” now.

    Why AREN’T they “helping” each other out?

    Some of the “victims” have protested PEACEFULLY, while others have acted VIOLENTLY.

    BOTH sides claim “they” had it coming, ignorant of how the system works.

    What is the difference?

  8. Ric says:

    So when did SSD become some PC drone site?

    • PNW_Tree_Octopus says:

      Yeah it’s a total travesty there are people who are vocal against racism…

      • As for fat jokes... says:

        Talent comes in all shapes and sizes. Eric Kincel probably can’t do 20 pull-ups, but he’s a bad ass who’s done a lot for the AR platform. Behind every Bond there’s a ton of Qs. Obviously SSD’s friend is good at what he does, so I thought it was self-evident that he should be respected out of respect for SSD and the industry we all love and support. Happy early Festivus from the rest of us!

  9. Reverend says:

    Two guys sitting in their car, doing their job… shot… by a lowlife POS who couldn’t mentally understand one thing.

    “You cannot win hearts, and minds if you put bullets in them.”

  10. Hank F says:

    Thank you SSD. We appreciate the support and we do need it right now. Sad to hear the racism from some posters. I serve with Officers of all colors and creeds and they would all lay their lives on the line for me as I would them. Just as they or I would risk our lives for anybody in need.

  11. bulldog76 says:

    wow i never thought i would say this to cops but keep your head down and ya head on a swivel

  12. Bill says:

    after Gabrielle Giffords was shot (by a nutcase, as it turned out), the left was quick to blame political rhetoric by Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, etc. Now, they can’t imagine a connection with holder obama sharpton, et all.

    • SSD says:

      And how did you feel about that when it happened?

      • John says:

        It is all about “feelings” with you people isn’t it… Feel bad for the poor little negro thug trayvon and brown – irrespective of their inability to fit into civilization.

    • Weaver says:

      Please explain, in detail with references, exactly what President Obama said that you think emboldens people to attack the police or to commit violence.

      Because this is what the President actually said, after the Ferguson decision:

      “OBAMA: I also appeal to the law enforcement officials in Ferguson and the region to show care and restraint in managing peaceful protests that may occur. Understand, our police officers put their lives on the line for us every single day. They’ve got a tough job to do to maintain public safety and hold accountable those who break the law. As they do their jobs in the coming days, they need to work with the community, not against the community, to distinguish the handful of people who may use the grand jury’s decision as an excuse for violence


      Those of you who are watching tonight understand that there’s never an excuse for violence, particularly when there are a lot of people in goodwill out there who are willing to work on these issues. [White House, Office of the Press Secretary, 11/24/14]”


  13. Friend of SSD says:

    I am a friend of SSD. What many of you do not know is that Eric’s wife and children are African-American. I believe that when he posted the story he knew the three types of people would comment on it. The guys it was intended for, the cop haters and finally the racists. He has told me that he does not like to post about law enforcement topics because the country is so polarized but in this case he would give it a go.

    Normally he deletes racist comments very quickly from the website. Unfortunately, they happen all too frequently. This time though I don’t think he is going to take the comments down. I’ve asked him why they remain but he says that they are going to stay. Eric feels that much of what is going on in America right now is due to racial tension. He has shared his displeasure with people who refuse to acknowledge that racism continues to be a problem in this country. I think he wants those people to have to look at this.

    • majrod says:

      Good on Eric. There is a problem with racism in America.

      The problem is it goes in both directions but is only addressed in one direction which fans the flames for more hate…

    • Jim says:

      Ahh so Eric is the problem. No wonder the PC trolling by SSD. This site has become a joke.

  14. SSD says:

    I appreciate that someone I know write that comment and it explains some of what is going on. I was going to not say anything publicly about this but I suppose you all deserve an explanation.

    I normally delete racist comments, saving my readers and my family from the ugliness that encroaches upon this site from time to time. But last night, as the first comments rolled in, I was reminded of some folks I know who refuse to acknowledge that racism remains a very damaging aspect of American society. There was absolutely no reason for anyone to mention race as I wished America’s police safety in their duties. And yet, there it was. It just popped right up. And that’s when I knew that I needed to let everyone see what it’s really like. So this one post is going to be censorship free. A little reality is good for us all.

    There is another reason I’m going to let it stand as-is, and that is reality for my family. This post has already been painful for my wife who often accompanies me to industry events. Like I said, I delete hurtful comments before she even sees them. Now, she will share my wariness of others wondering if they are the ones who post these comments and how they really feel about us. I hold my readership in very high regard but things like this are important to remind me (and my family) to be very careful of who we let into our lives.

    So here it is. This is how people actually think. Some are just great people. Others are intolerant of those different from them. Then there are those who are ambivalent to right and wrong, so self-centered that their only issue with the presence of racist commentary is that their hurtful fat joke was deleted on a different post.

    • PNW_Tree_Octopus says:

      Bravo dude.

      • Taylor says:

        Fair enough, I see why you did (and agree), it was the lack of stating this up front that left me wondering.

        • Another supporter of SSD... says:

          TL; DR: things suck, but we can do better.

          As for “comments” and “posts”: It seems if you try to discuss recent events, explain institutionalized racism or god-forbid white privilege to most white people (of which I am one) in gun/.mil forums, you’ll be rip to shreds. I was recently cyber-stalked, threatened, and banned from a forum–and then they had a nice 400 post discussion behind my back (of course) about me, my wife and kids, where I work, what they could do to hurt my employment, where I live, etc. I told friends on the forum to stay out of it–since I didn’t want them ending up as one of these guys’ next skin-suits. So much for a well-armed society being polite.

          That said, the recent big media cases are representative of a crisis in our nation happening in most large US cities. I don’t see the protests so much as “we are angry about these events” but rather, “we are tired of this happening again and again–now is when we must stand up and change something.” Our nation desperately needs to have the conversation about the unacceptable number of young men of color in prisons, killed, and the institutionalized racism of the justice system (which every study I’ve read shows).

          However, I don’t think that conversation can be had without also talking about income disparity, educational disparity, and the lack of employment available to poor, poorly educated, men of color. In my mind that can be divisive as it has been, but I hope that it can move beyond that, and that both liberals and conservatives can turn them into productive conversations and aspirational actions that see an America ten years from now with full employment for everyone, with top notch education for everyone, and perhaps with laws where we’ve at least tried different approaches than the current war on drugs, and private prisons system that are a drain on the state and national budgets because of the far too many number of men in jail. I believe if we all made an honest effort at reform we could see every nonviolent criminal in jail now, in a job contributing to society then. I also believe that we can find methods of policing that don’t just make for safer neighborhoods and fewer arrest, but also make the job of police safer. We need people making honest efforts to make that happen instead of all the petty political points.

          Poverty and wealth disparity between the rich and poor is growing in America, resulting in more need and desperation and thus more crime, which seems to be feeding a growing cycle of media, spectacles, violence, etc. The co-founder of Amazon had a great article that talked about how in every single historical case, this kind of wealth-disparity ends up one of two ways: revolution or police state (and I think Americans have way too many TV channels and video games to support revolution).

          We as a nation can do better, and if we are going to be honest with ourselves we have to admit that to do better, we have a hell of a lot of work to do. As the year ends, let’s think and pray about everyone lost to senseless violence in 2014, and vow to do better next year.

          Have a safe holiday all, but especially those on the thin blue line.

          • majrod says:

            Having grown up in a crime ridden ghetto I can agree with some of what you say but marvel at its one sidedness which is as much a part of the problem if not an aggravating factor. Victimhood is rampant in our society as “personal responsibility” becomes the antithesis of “white privlege”.

            BTW, crime is down…

          • Riceball says:

            What needs to happen is that the poor and/or poorly educated of all color and creeds need to be delivered a different message besides the system/the Man/the White Man is keeping them down and that they’re owed something simply because they’re black, hispanic, poor, or whatever They need to shown more examples of people like them that work hard and make something of themselves outside of being some sort of celebrity. Although I’m no fan of Obama or Eric Holder more should be made of them and the positions they’ve reached despite being black men, they, along with others like Colin Powell and Condoleza Rice (just to name a few) are shining examples of the fallacy of the notion that African Americans can’t succeed they’re being deliberately kept down by the (White) Man. Of course, if that happened then Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, along with numerous Democratic politicians, would be out of a job.

      • Terry B. says:


  15. Cele says:

    Eric I have met you and your wonderful wife many years ago at SHOT. You both seem to be genuine kind and professional people. I have been a fan of your work and will continue to come back to SSD. Thank you for you support of the military but now especially for the LEO, in a time when it needs to given openly. Coming from a Vet and LEO

    • John says:

      Suck up.

    • Jake says:

      +1 for Cele.

      I enjoy a specialty assignment in LE, and above all take my responsibility to uphold the Constitution and serve the people of my community and this country with pride , dedication, and integrity. I have read some of the anti-LE comments on this site before, some with decent points (just misplaced perspective), and some just laced with ignorance. I then just stopped reading most of the comments sections. Safe to say ignorance and hate exists in all facets of society.

      Targeted LE killings have become more common than they have been in decades, and at a time when the publicized police hate is the worst I have ever seen. I don’t care to comment of society’s current issues, suffice to say I believe in the Constitution and that in the United States (unfortunately not all places), all men and women are created equal.

      I normally don’t comment on online forums. I’m more here for the substance of the site. But, this being my first post, I wanted to thank you for your service and your family’s sacrifices, and thank you for your support at a time where it mean so much.

  16. Another friend of SSD says:

    Seems like a calculated move by SSD to highlight that idiocracy and racism continues to run strong in our country, and that both sides have a wide gulf that they need to close.

    Bravo indeed.

  17. SSD says:

    Bill, Jim and John are all the same guy.

    • Terry B says:

      Thanks SSD, I was about to waste my time responding to all of the above.

      I guess if you don’t have strength in numbers you have to use deception to create “reinforcements”.

      I respect you for putting up with this garbage. I doubt I would ever have the patience for it.

      De Opresso Liber


    • PNW_Tree_Octopus says:

      It’s like Reddit in here with the alternate accounts.

    • Joe says:

      And I bet these racist nitwits would still smile and shake your hand at Shot Show hoping to get a free SSD patch…

  18. John Smith says:

    LE: Yes, heads up and looking gents. It is a bad time.
    On the other hand we, as a nation should take a very hard look at the nature and character of the Law Enforcement that we require and authorize. The recent shift in our national psyche to a “fear model” has hastened a shift to tactical law enforcement and away from community policing. This comes with a cost and is not largely supported by any data.

    Racism: Let’s all hope that the Bill’s of the world are (as here) an overly vocal minority. In spite of the problems still evident, we have made tremendous strides in America in my lifetime- lets not forget that.
    What we seem to have forgotten is the insular problems with pockets of culture that have evidently attached themselves to parts of modern African-American culture. A number that gives me more than pause and baffles me to the point of depression is this: The leading cause of death for African Americans (both sexes) between 15 and 35 is Homicide….


    Whatever it is that is causing this to be needs to be in our national conversation. The deaths of Mike Brown and Eric Garner are noteworthy as justice issues but (in my opinion) have little bearing on the much, much greater problem….one that in spite of our strides, we are racist if we ignore.

  19. Mark says:

    I was wondering what kind of place this had turned in to with all of the racist crap. The fact that it was tolerated was disappointing, to say the least. Now, with SSD‘s explanation, I get it. I still find it sad, but I get it.

    • John says:

      Right because having a truth based outlook Is “waaaasist”. The ultimate sin in this PC Marxist multi cult disaster formerly known as the usa.

  20. sopcwannabe says:

    I spent my childhood in Jamaica before I immigrated to the U.S so I feel like I have a somewhat unique perspective on the issue. My skin is black but I by and large do not identify with the African American culture. Most of the societal norms and values of the mainstream African American culture are appalling to say the least. Conversely to pretend that there is not an institutionalized bias against black men is BS. Anecdotal evidence alone has shown that people assume us to be (insert stereotype here) until proven otherwise. I was taken aside by black cadre more than 3 times whilst at jfkswc and given “the talk”.
    A good friend of mine who summed it up beautifully by saying “you have to be the cream not the coffee”. additionally, most black people who are killed are killed by other black people. Take this for what you will but I feel far safer living in raeford than in fayetteville and the quality of education my children receive is night and day compared to fayetteville schools. To sum it all up yeah “the system” if not overtly racist is biased against a black man, but 80% of the issue are the morals/cultural norms of the African american culture, lack of education/access to quality education, and access to legitimate employment opportunities.

  21. LCSO264 says:

    Thank you SSD and others, we appreciate your support.