I’ve seen this on Facebook two or three times now so what the hell, why not share?

Bonus points if you know what is missing in this equation.
This entry was posted
on Sunday, January 4th, 2015 at 02:39 and is filed under Comms, WTF?.
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550 cord and 100mph tape.
Learned great tricks with the spoon and radio…. Really surprised MacGyver didn’t have one with his Swiss army knife…
pencil eraser…
Some 100mph tape and a CVC
Me throwing it because SINCGARS dropped the fill…..again.
Change your hub battery. Spit on your o-rings. Curse the commo guy.
Both of these replies brought back a bunch of memories. Thanks!
Always that damned hub battery, at the worst possible moment.
Electrical tape. However the previous small white spoons where better!!
A PRC-117 & antenna wire.
Di Pole antenna.
All wrong. The correct answer is a ziplock bag.
Spit on your pinky
A PRC77, antenna wire and some sticks to complete the jungle antenna.
77 or 25 set and antenna wire for a field expedient antenna.
While 550 cord, 100MPH tape, electirical tape etc. worked, I always had extra retaining bands handy to use in this situation.
Field expedient way of hooking it on your gear after you break the clip on the back.
Right, because violating the Buy American act to ask Baofeng to build some radios is totally not worth it. No, casualties are far preferrable. Let’s not update a thing from that vietnam era crap.
Keep worrying about camo and the warthog, SSD, because apparently grunts are nothing more than meat for the grinder.
Repeal the NFA and GCA etc.
Federalize Appleseed and fund the CMP again.
Let the commercial marketplace drive innovation instead of relying on monopsonistic failures.
Or, you know, have some country music stars shill for wounded warrior while Obama uses it as a front to disarm our most patriotic veterans. Whatevs.
Ill have whatever this guy is having.
Yeah. Large bore IV drip please.
I don’t know, guys. That stuff is making him pretty cranky. Better to trade it in for some of Colorado’s Best Medical Grade.
SSD comment of the year and it’s only 4 January.
I think these same things everytime I read SSD.
I private to strap it to!
Harris 152: 8prg, general config, audio config, side ptt “enabled”, speaker “enabled”. Problem solved. Or get peltors. Hope that dude was joking about baofeng. No one has died because their handset couldn’t stay on their kit. I feel your pain comms guys. Take a wrap off.
Sure. Baofeng, because we want our commo built by an enemy….
When was China declared an enemy? What did I miss?
Korea. When they helped the North.
Different leaders. Different world. A globalised world.
If only China viewed it the way you do.
A boot blowser
wire and a radio…
A Boot band
shears from my CLS bag…
Missing 100mph tape to turn that spoon into a clip for the handset, it’s clip always broke off.
Both of them will fail when you need them.
A butter bar wondering how he will eat and looking for his RTO to call over the 1st Sgt. to ask him what to do next.