Aquaterro – A Blog I Like

Written by an SF Weapons guy (pre-18 series), WeaponsMan is a blog about weapons. It’s that simple. I’ve started reading the content and I like it.


Check it out. In particular I recommend the two part series, “The Big Lie About Wanat (COP Kahler).”


13 Responses to “ – A Blog I Like”

  1. BAP45 says:

    Sweet deal. Always looking for more reading material

  2. Taylor says:

    And he’s funny as well. Thanks for the heads up!

  3. Redleg says:

    Weapons Man is a good read.

    Also check out DANMORGAN76 written by a former 18E:

    Battle Rifles of the World (formerly Spec Ops Medic) is another by an 18D:

    and finally Mountain Guerrilla written by a former 18B:


    • DGM says:

      I had no idea that anyone who frequents this site also frequents those. That just made my week.

      • BAP45 says:

        Jackpot! These pass the filter they have set up on my work desktop.

      • Redleg says:

        DGM, sorry, I left off another one by an 18E called Signal Corps:

        I lost my life long best friend since the 6th grade in 2003 (he was an 18C on ODA 365) who I also had the honor to serve with early in both of our military careers back in the 80s, so I follow these guys blogs for the nuggets of wisdom since he’s no longer around for my dumb gun bunny ass to hang out and shoot the shite with anymore.

        Anyway, take Care!

        • DGM says:

          That’s another one I frequent. I’m sorry for your personal loss and the loss to the community of freedom minded peoples as a wnole. I spent a little time in the Army, 5 months 27 days to be exact lol. I got medically discharged in 2009. Signed up 11x Opt 4 and was put on profile halfway through our final FTX. I jacked my back up week three but managed to keep up until that point. Needless to say, I’m about as green as baby poop. This is one of the reasons I frequent these sites, to gain knowledge from BTDT’s. Not only have I learned new things, but I’ve learned stuff that was ignored or glossed over in OSUT. I have also taken in a great deal from the authors of all the previously mentioned sites that have helped refine my understanding of, and position on, freedom and liberty.

        • DGM says:

          Oh! I’ll add one to the list for everyone. Max Velocity Tactical. The guy who runs that site is a former British Para and is currently serving in the U.S. Army Reserves, if I recall correctly. He offers training to liberty minded people and people who’ve served but are a bit rusty on their TTP’s. There’s also a forum that you can reach through his site as well as a blog full of articles his written on a great many different subjects. Worth a stopping by and checking out.

          Everyone enjoy the rest of the week and do the best you can in anything that requires your participation.

    • balais says:

      Good stuff.

      I cannot emphasize enough how awesome and just plain useful John Mosby’s training was. That guy knows his stuff.

  4. Greg says:

    Great site, thank you. The only issue is I’m having trouble finding his RSS feed so I can subscribe to his posts. He doesn’t seem to have one even though he is using WordPress. Weird.

  5. John Smith says:

    “Now, that should put the cat among the chickens.”

    That turn of phrase- is reason enough to read his words.

  6. E-Rock says:

    “Weapons. I’m a weapons man.”