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Exelis To Demonstrate NextGen Night Vision At SHOT Show 2015

Exelis will be demonstrating their NextGen Individual Soldier System Night Vision at their booth #10974 at SHOT Show 2015.


The Individual Soldier System integrates voice, video and data into tactical networks allowing commanders to view what soldiers are seeing, send instructions like texts, alerts or images directly to the goggle’s display in a light and sound secure way. This system integrates the Exelis i-Aware Tactical Night Vision Goggle with the high-data rate SpearNet EVO radio using Jagwire to provide on-demand access to critical geospatial intelligence data, reducing the time from collection to decision.


White Phosphor capability provides night vision users with a black and white image instead of the traditional green image that has become the signature view through most Generation 3 night vision technology. This is done using a P-45 phosphor screen, instead of the traditional P-43, allowing an alternate coloration closer to black and white imagery, which some users prefer. Exelis offers this option in its peak performance Gen 3 tubes.



4 Responses to “Exelis To Demonstrate NextGen Night Vision At SHOT Show 2015”

  1. Prescott says:

    Truthfully, I don’t want “texts” from my commander in the rear popping up on my NVGs telling me to “go left, not right”. Also, I dont want my NVGs to have a video link to some JOC that is seeing what I’m seeing. To me this would be taking “armchair quarterbacking” to the next level. It would degrade the experience and decision making of the guy on the ground. But yes I do want innovation and to have the best technology on the battlefield. FWIW, my personal feeling is that this is the wrong direction to take it.

    • Taylor says:

      Sending images back? Probably a good thing on most levels, but I totally agree. This has huge potential to invite micromanaging from the guys in the rear, which history shows is a horrible option.
      Really like that blue/black and white image though.

  2. AttackBlue1 says:

    I had the opportunity to check this out thoroughly via their SpearNet and JagWire systems. Really cool incorporation of augmented reality on the battlefield. Every system invites micromanaging at some level, to include that douche in the TOC who would constantly use FBCB2 as some sort of AOL Instant Messanger for every random threat message they came across, however messages like “Wrong house asshole, don’t blow the door, move down 10meters to the other blue gate” might be worth the hassle.

    • Rowan11b says:

      Until you get one of those “who the fuck told you that you could wear those boots?” Messages from your CSM.