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Raven Concealement Systems Shows Us The Next Big Thing In Holsters: The Eidolon

Fortunately for us, Raven Concealment Systems created a handy graphic to explain where this “Eidolon” thing comes from.


A “phantom” of all things. Pretty lofty claims indeed for a holster, but this “specter” isn’t just about concealability; it’s also fast. To be sure, Raven Concealment Systems has been working on their latest creation for quite awhile now and have really dialed the design in, introducing new innovations in the process. I had seen a very early, orange 3D print version of it back at AUSA 2012 and since then Kyle Defoor began collaborating with development which helped a lot with the “fast” attributes in the design. The evolution of this design has quite a history and until earlier today I thought it still remained in development.

RCS Eidolon (1)

Earlier today a box arrived at my doorstep. I opened it up and it was filled with bits and pieces in plastic bags, looking so much like a Legos set. When it’s all laid out neatly it looks very much like the photo below. While it might look like a lot to some, all of those parts offer choices. You get a great deal of latitude in how you set up your Eidolon holster. Designed to be configured to accommodate a wide range of clothing and body types, the Eidolon incorporates several new features. You’ll be introduced to the “claw’ and “wedge” in the literature below and I’m sure lots of videos will begin to surface in the very new future as users become acquainted with the Eidolon. From what I’ve seen so far, RCS has introduced something new, in a holster market that has a lot of the same. I’m looking forward to things settling down so I can try this thing out for myself.

RCS Eidolon (5)

What follows is the Raven Concealment Systems press release:

Development of the Eidolon began three years ago when we set out to create our “next generation” flagship product. After a year of designing concepts, we began working with Kyle Defoor of Defoor Proformance. His input, driven by feedback he was getting from .gov and .mil clients he trains, helped us select which concept to push forward with. He then worked closely with us, testing prototypes and providing guidance on how to best tailor the holster to meet the needs of various groups conducting low-vis and no-vis missions.

The Eidolon is a professional-grade, injection-molded IWB/AIWB holster designed from the outset to accommodate modern pistols with or without a red-dot optic. It has several ground-breaking design elements which set it apart from any other product presently on the market:
– Its construction is neither a “pancake” style nor a “fold-over” style.
– A body shield and holster body which accommodates all of the most popular red-dot optics presently being fielded.
– An adjustable retention system that does not change the “feel” of the holster; only the amount of force required to draw the weapon.
– A revolutionary “claw” which pulls the butt of the pistol’s grip into the body without causing the belt line to distort.
– A comfortable, soft polymer “wedge” which, when used AIWB, tucks the back of the slide and grip closer to the body to further reduce/eliminate printing.
– This wedge also keeps the muzzle stood-off from the lower abdomen for enhanced comfort during all-day carry.

The Eidolon can be configured in hundreds of different set-ups to optimize concealment in a variety of body types and styles of dress. This holster can be tailored to work on men and women, regardless of size.

RCS Eidolon (6)

The belt attachments are available in both over-hook and tuckable soft-loop format, and can accommodate belts up to 1.75”. These attachments can be run in either single- or double-configuration, and allow a shooter to have the quick on/off capability of a VanGuard 2 while still being able to reholster one-handed.

The concealability of this holster is only surpassed by its speed. The Eidolon’s unique body design and adjustable retention system make it the fastest concealment holster available.
Prototypes and pre-production units of the Eidolon have been tested extensively both domestically and OCONUS, to include some of the major hot-spots of the modern world. These samples were beyond successful in both strong-side and appendix-carry roles.

A very limited run of pre-production Eidolons are now available for purchase. These are in-stock and will ship while SHOT Show is underway. The cost of these pre-production Eidolons is $99.99, and shipping is INCLUDED. They are available from now until supplies run out.

The final production models will be available from RCS dealers within 90 days.

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31 Responses to “Raven Concealement Systems Shows Us The Next Big Thing In Holsters: The Eidolon”

  1. PNW_Tree_Octopus says:

    There goes $99.99, dipping into my SHOT liquor fund.

  2. vdmsr says:

    Ordered, Will review!

  3. Dellis says:

    Only for Glocks? No Sigs or CZ?? I know Glock is everyones favorite on the block but it sure would be nice to get some accessories for some of the other top firearms.

    I reckon sooner or later Raven may make something other than Glock goodies so I just gotta be patient…..OR, buy a glock?

  4. polyl says:

    Sound like the Incog from Travis Haley and G-Code ……

  5. Dennis J says:

    Will the Eidolon be made in a version to accommodate a weapon mounted light?

    • Dennis- We have a slew of new models of the Eidolon in store. It’s our new flagship line, so we will be aggressively supporting it.

    • Matt says:

      That’s also what I want to know. Very few companies have been able to put out an IWB light bearing holster that doesn’t feel like a huge hunk of folded kydex shoved down your pants. The concept for the base holster design seems very good, so I’m interested to see how well thought out a light bearing version would be. Looks promising.

  6. Nick says:

    $100 for an injection molded holster? I think I’ll pass…

    • Casey says:

      Buy once, cry once. How much did your gun cost? I’ll never understand the logic of folks who have no problem dropping $500+ on a pistol, but then balk at the idea of spending more than a few bucks on the holster they’re going to use to carry the thing every day. Concealed carry is a system, and each part of that system (gun, holster, magazine carrier, belt, etc.) is going to have a cost associated with it, especially if it’s quality gear.

    • Tom says:

      You’re paying for functionality.

      Good holsters can be made of Kydex, no doubt. But injection molding is superior in every way when done right. This is done right.

    • steve fisher says:

      OK then don’t more for others

    • Matt says:

      A lot of guys say the same thing… but they will spend 100 bucks in one night at the bar, or $7 on a cup of coffee damn near daily, multiply that by a few weeks…
      Not saying that is your specific opinion, but it comes down to what is important, and needs, not specifically wants.
      You carry daily, you need a sturdy, reliable belt and holster, this is a holster that also comes in a complete system, is full ambi and can be carried AIWB or IWB strong side.
      To discard the consideration of something because of the price point without considering the full potential and getting hands on…not a way I choose potential life saving gear.
      …but that is me.

    • D says:

      Injection molded doesn’t mean it’s an Uncle Mikes.

  7. Ironman says:

    Is it possible to use this OWB? Or will that be a different model?

  8. Dario says:

    Bought it !, I had to , never seen anything like it and after shipping it costs the same as any other good reputable holster , I know where my priorities Are , and it’s not on drinking at bars . I’ll spend it on a great looking holster , not to mention my life might depend on it one day might as well look good , . Gotta love it . It looks awesome !.

  9. Will says:

    I am glad to see innovation. Period. Especially in a field left stagnant in terms of development for some time. For their effort in pushing boundaries and inventing new ideas, directions, etc., excellent work, gentlemen. Even if it is not directly the next big idea, creative thinking will certainly lead to the next big idea. That said, I am, as usual, sad to see minor innovations touted as game changing monuments in this community because of blind respect for a brand or obligation to friends behind it. An ideas merit is an ideas merit, period. No more, no less. I fail to see what this holster system, for example, brings to the table that holds it above the status quo. Got a couple wedge things that supposedly make it more comfy. Well. Frankly, I’m jamming a full sized weapon down with my gun. No matter what doohickeys you add down there, I’m expecting it to be less than comfy. Injection molded is better than pancake kydex? Okay… But I know for a fact I can drive my truck over my DIY pancake kydex holster… I can fall on it, walk into a door frame with it, etc., and after years of abuse that 0.093″ Kydex hasn’t broken a sweat. So… Again, how is this really any significantly better than the status quo, much less a game changer? I suppose I’m just irked that we haven’t seen minimalist/actually comfortable holsters like the vanguard develop light bearing capability while effort is continuously put into reinventing the wheel. We’ve got that 13zulu JED thing… A few other small time solutions… Thats about it. The manufacturing capability and willingness to explore new fields of design clearly exists… And yet year after year we see a whole lot of the same dressed up as different and marketed out the ass to a consumer group too meatheaded to realize they ought to expect more. My apologies to loyalists. Flame on.

    • PNW_Tree_Octopus says:

      There are many great and comfortable holsters that are “minimalist” as well as great for AIWB and/or light-bearing. Thing is, a good holster truly is subjective so everyone winds up buying quite a few until they find one that works for them, it is part of the game. It doesnt mean innovation is stagnant, it means you havent been looking around.

  10. Billy says:

    I like the idea of offering as many different configurations (setup) as possible.

    This is right down the alley for the new Glock 40 with RMR06. Hopefully the long slide version will be offered by RCS in the future!

    Perhaps I missed it in the writeup and on the RCS web site, but, does the design allow for ambidextrous setup? Can’t really assume such from pictures.

    It does appear to be rather massive for an IWB.

    As one with no natural padding at the hips, I use injection molded holsters OWB and get creative with clothing to conceal the weapon. But that is a personal preference not a ding towards plastics. I stick to leather for IWB.

  11. We got to inspect this several months ago. Michael literally walked in our office with a G17, +4 base pads, MRDS, and he is thin as a rail. It wasn’t printing.

    If you carry a gun for a living or as responsible gun owner/armed citizen, you should want the best supporting gear for that platform. How much is your life worth? You wouldn’t take substandard medicine if your life depended on it would you?

  12. Dellis says:

    Oh hell…..I’m just gonna buy a Glock I reckon

  13. Jeremy says:

    And they’re gone.

  14. Jesse says:

    Damn, Guess I got one of the last one’s seeing as I ordered mine today at 1000.

  15. Phong says:

    Got a close up of it today at F3 Tactical in Chantilly, VA. Matt Jacques himself demonstrated the installation. Only down draw is there is no production for other pistols i.e. Sig Sauer, Springfield, and M&P etc….just the Glock models.

  16. Julian Davis says:

    I have a Phantom for G-19. Totally dig Raven’s quality and service.

    Are Sig’s new P320 Duty and Carry sizes on the list?