
Photos of the Hodge Defense Systems AU-MOD 2

I got my first chance to shoot the Hodge Defense Systems AU-MOD 2 at FirstSpear’s Range Day. It’s very light and like my MOD 1 handles very well.

Details available here. Here are a few photos.






8 Responses to “Photos of the Hodge Defense Systems AU-MOD 2”

  1. S. says:

    No anti-rotation?

  2. Major Smoof says:

    Their website has yet to be updated with hard details. Still going off your post a few months ago.

    SSD: now that you’ve handled it, any word on fully ambi controls? Still wondering about right side bolt CATCH as well as release.

    Thanks, and enjoy SHOT!

    • Jon says:

      The bolt-release on the right side is a BOLT RELEASE. It does not function to trap the bolt to the rear. Jim Hodge sought to maintain the same manual of arms as the standard M4 in certain aspects, and left this area alone.

  3. DeW says:

    Looks like the rail is made by Mega Arms. Slightly different styling, but the 7075 and attachment area look identical.

  4. Jon says:

    Yes, there is anti rotation.