SOF Week Registration Is Open

ORWM – Outdoor Knitwear – The Original “Wooly Pully”

For those of you old enough to remember the original British issue crew neck Wooly Pully.


In addition to the traditional models, they offer a wide variety of other variants. I can’t say enough good things about wool and I’d love to see these make a resurgence. They are currently looking for US dealers. Contact Steve Martin.


15 Responses to “ORWM – Outdoor Knitwear – The Original “Wooly Pully””

  1. KP says:

    There aren’t enough options for hard wearing wool. Some, but not nearly enough.

  2. Greg says:

    Still have mine from the 80’s. Hopefully the moths haven’t got to it.

  3. Ipkiss says:

    TAD gears’ modern interpretation of it (Special service sweater) is very nice, using merino wool and with a full zipper.

    • SSD says:

      If it’s got a zip, it ain’t a Wooly Pully.

      • Ipkiss says:

        I never said it is. The wooly pully is either on or off. I like the full zip allowing faster heat management.

    • KP says:

      Those also cost a sight more than the £30-40 that Outdoor Knitwear asks for. I like the extra pockets TAD adds but I’d rather have a pullover than a full zip. A half zip, if anything as I’m not a wooly pully purist, but 200+ bucks for a wool sweater is more than I can handle.

  4. Strike-Hold says:

    Sweet! Time to bring those back. 🙂

  5. Craig P says:

    Awesome bit of kit, but still part of general issue kit for Winter dress in the Australian Army and Cadets.

  6. bulldog76 says:

    Sweeet more wool kit !!! Naturally fr and dries for the most part quick

  7. Bradkaf308 says:

    I love the wooly pulley got one in the early 80’s. But another really good one is the Norge sweater.

  8. Jian says:

    I still got my boot camp issued one hanging in my closet. Never liked it, I’d rather have the Tanker jacket

    • Riceball says:

      But you can’t wear a tanker jacket under your cammies though, that was always one of the nice things about the wooly pully, you were allowed to wear it under your cammies. This was always good for those cold mornings where you had to stand in formation and because not everybody had a field jacket the wooly pully was your only option and it was a life saver.

      • Jian says:

        Thats true. However for me the only time I wore my wooly pully under my cammies was MOS School at Ft Sill during the winter. Wore that over the PT sweater since the woodland field jackets they issued to us there didnt do shit for warmth.

        Never liked how wooly pullys looked with Bravos, but since I wasnt a recruiter I didnt feel like spending the money for a jacket I will rarely get to wear.

        Thanks for bringing back some memories lol