
SHOT Show – SAI Jailbreak

SHOT Show is big! It’s so big that even though we continue to post content almost a week after it ended, we didn’t see anywhere near everything we wanted to. One of the things we missed was the Jailbreak from Salient Arms International.


The Jailbreak is definitely unique. It’s not a muzzle device. It screws on directly to SAI’s rail and can be used with or without a muzzle device. In fact, it can be used in conjunction with virtually any muzzle device.


Yes, that’s a SureFire can sitting just below the Jailbreak which is designed to slow gasses down, reducing felt recoil.


Photos by DEFCON Group.


8 Responses to “SHOT Show – SAI Jailbreak”

  1. PNW_Tree_Octopus says:

    “is designed to slow gasses down”

    You hear that distant rumble? Internet opinions are coming.

  2. Reeky says:

    are they EVER going to have a website?

  3. bulldog76 says:

    And atf will call this a supressor in 3 21….

  4. Chuck says:

    Seems like it should fall under the same legality as the Ferfrans CRD.

  5. grunz says:

    Dumb, dumb dumb. It also has the added benefit of matching the contour of the rail so some fanboy will have a great experience grabbing it right up by the front and possibly getting injured. In principle this does look a Ferfrans CRD – and if you’ve ever seen one of those idiotic things in live fire (GIANT FIREBALL IN DAYLIGHT) it should be enough to keep you away from this monstrosity too.


    • Chuck says:

      Agreed about the ridiculous fireball. But I regularly hear complaints from shooters around me about the concussion from my MB556K. Clearly, it needs to be used in the appropriate application – i.e. not with NODs or during low signature operations.

  6. Bill says:

    Do 5.56 cal ARs recoil? I never noticed. And if they do, should I spend the zillions of dollars that SAI will want for this on it, or a gym membership to build up my core and upper body strength?

  7. Mark says:

    Just when you think you’ve seen it all… Movie guns and parts for urban hipsters.