SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Panteao Productions – Two New Videos In The ‘Make Ready To Survive’ Series

Columbia, SC, February 2, 2015 – Panteao Productions is happy to announce the release of the next two video titles in the new Make Ready to Survive instructional video series.

Bugging Out and Shelter, Fire, Water are now available streaming to Panteao subscribers. The DVD versions will begin shipping this week.

The instructors in the series include former US Army Delta Operator Paul Howe, Dave Canterbury from the Pathfinder Self Reliance School, US Army Special Forces Green Beret Kyle Harth, disaster preparedness consultant and author Jim Cobb, and NE MacDougald, who started his career in Vietnam with the 519th Military Intelligence Bn (MACV), and today is an author and consultant.

Make Ready to Survive: Bugging Out
Bugging out. Entire books are written on this subject. In fact the subject warranted its own video in our series. What does it really mean? Are you prepared for having to leave where you are in a hurry? How about your family? What will you take with you? In this video instructors Paul Howe, Dave Canterbury, Jim Cobb, Kyle Harth, and N.E. MacDougald review the bug out bag, the different option between store bought assembled kits and putting the gear together yourself, what gear is essential for your bug out or get home bag, what specific tools and gear they keep in their bags, the pros and cons with different products, rehearsing the bug out plan, navigation, special considerations for bug out planning, and much more. If you like reviewing gear options this video is for you. Equally important, our instructors take the mystery out of gear selection and give you a down to earth approach to picking what you will end up relying on for both short and long term use.

Make Ready to Survive: Shelter, Fire, Water
Shelter, fire, and water are the basic elements of survival and are essential to preserving core body temperature. That is critical to your survival. In this video Dave Canterbury reviews your survival kit resources including making a fire, fire bed and fire lays, three stages of fuel, primitive fire resources, water collection, boiling water, clothing, shelters, and more. Dave Canterbury is a master woodsman with over 20 years of experience working in many dangerous environments. His common sense approach to survivability is recognized as one of the most effective systems of teaching known today. Understanding and knowing how to make a fire, how to secure drinking water, and how to build a shelter are the most important tools in your survival tool chest. This video gets you started down that path.

A total of 13 videos have been filmed in the Make Ready to Survive series. More info on the series can be found on the Panteao website at:

Panteao Productions - Make Ready to Survive

Product Page for Make Ready to Survive: Bugging Out –
Product Page for Make Ready to Survive: Shelter, Fire, Water –


5 Responses to “Panteao Productions – Two New Videos In The ‘Make Ready To Survive’ Series”

  1. Dellis says:

    Some years ago I laughed at these “doomsday” survior/prepper types. I would tell them no way in hell this country will ever go zingbat crazy and collapse. Fast forward some years and now I have to re-think a great amount of that. We have water stocked, food for 3 months now, planning on at least a year supply total, our firearms and ammo.

    Looking this year to but some land in Texas hillcountry for our “bugout place” but doing all we can to make our home as livable as possible cause what’s the sense of stocking up and then not being able to take even half of it with you if you do in fact “bug out”? So in short, ya, we prep for an emergency not so much for social collapse. Floods, power outage, etc.

    I like many of the Panteao offerings so I will get these also.

    • reverend says:

      Agreed. It’s not “Zombies”, or “Guv’mint collapse” that makes me prep. It’s living through 2 hurricanes, a blizzard, and losing power on a frequent basis.

      It changes your thinking.

  2. Bill says:

    Concur: tornadoes, blizzards and power outages are my biggest realistic threats. To me, “bugging out” means camping inside.

    There’s a Phd. dissertation waiting for someone to write on the “bugging out” phenomenon, particularly when contrasted to the backyard bomb shelter craze of the Cold War.

  3. Steve in Nc says:

    Pass. No way I’d put money in the pocket of a liar/valor thief.