Aquaterro Is Live

And check out this belt Gene just made for me.

Its a custom stitched Victory Aegis belt featuring a laser engraved Aegis buckle from Ares Gear.


5 Responses to “ Is Live”

  1. badjujuu says:

    That is a great looking belt. I have been looking for a high end replacement of my worn out Polish Armed Forces Officers leather belt and this might be it; the problem is picking the right color combination lol. I like a darker brown such as the Barbarian belt – or is the Brown same on both belts?

    • Will says:

      I just got my barbarian belt from Gcode. I believe they have a “brown” and “chocolate brown.” The chocolate being darker. His facebook page says they’re going to be out of the darker one until April though.

      Super excited for this website. The belts arent cheap, but I want another one. There isnt a lot of information out there on these belts.

  2. RayForest says:

    Thank goodness somebody finally gave us an add for the MeanGene Aries combo belt that doesn’t feature a blowup of Matt Jaques crotch.

  3. Jon says:

    I don’t see an option to customize the buckle on the MGL site. Any word from MGL or Ares on whether or not we common folk will be able to get custom Aegis buckles sent to MGL for these belts?

  4. LCSO264 says:

    very nice looking belt. I like the SSD buckle, I’m also a fan of Australian Cobra buckles…