SIG SAUER - Never Settle

S.O.TECH Supplies LAPD With Speed Clip IFAKs Assembled By Homeless Veterans


LAPD purchases 2,700 first aid pouch kits from S.O.TECH and Green Vets LA


The goal is to help at-risk veterans to rejoin the society they once served, and they are doing it by bonding with those who wear the uniform to protect our streets. Veteran members of Vets Corps / Green Vets LA were subcontracted by S.O.Tech to assemble 2,700 individual first aid kits (IFAKs) that were delivered to the Los Angeles Police Department. These kits include tourniquets, pressure dressings and clotting agents that have been proven to save lives after gunshot and knife wounds.

Vets Corps searches for projects that provide work therapy that will inspire its Veterans to rejoin society. The knowledge that this product may save the life of a law enforcement officer builds a mental bond between this marginalized population of the street and the uniform wearing symbols of authority in our society. Their product will be supplied to both the Los Angeles Police Department and the Los Angeles Sheriffs Department, two of the world’s premier law enforcement agencies. And while this population of formerly homeless and at-risk Veterans have lived a hard life on the streets, their therapy draws from their experiences of service while in uniform, a common point they share with these law enforcement officers. As an additional benefit to the community, providing a job for this population not only reduces homelessness, but it can also reduce the resultant crime.

S.O.TECH Special Operations Technologies Inc. located in Carson, California manufactures in house and has established a small sewing, assembly and printing shop located inside the West Los Angeles Veterans Administration Hospital. S.O.TECH has sponsored Vets Corps since 2010, providing projects such as sewn reusable cloth shopping bags and Challenge Bear stuffed animals. The Veterans earn a paycheck from the program as well as receiving job training.

S.O.TECH’s Speed Clip System was chosen by LAPD and LASD for its revolutionary quick attachment capability for officers to grab and mount a rig to their thigh, belt or vest during rapidly developing scenarios rather than permanently carrying items on cluttered belts. S.O.TECH’s Speed Clip mounts medical pouches, Taser holsters, police rifle magazine pouches, radio pouches and riot control pepper dispenser carriers. The Speed Clip system is protected by multiple U.S. patents.

S.O.TECH is also supplying an equally large number of Taser Holsters to both LAPD and LASD from the Speed Clip line. The members of Vets Corps also worked on this production effort, taking pride in being part of an effort to provide less lethal options to officers confronting dangerous situations. Vets Corps is a 501c3 non-profit.

To learn more, contact Anton Nixon at 310-202-9007 or or visit and


4 Responses to “S.O.TECH Supplies LAPD With Speed Clip IFAKs Assembled By Homeless Veterans”

  1. Dellis says:

    This is a timely post as I am currently searching for medical kits/supplies that I will purchase and send in support of Matthew VanDyke Sons Of Liberty organization.

    I contacted him and asked what I could do and besides money he listed several things, medical supplies being important. So this was interesting to read and I will go check out the site. Thanks

  2. Disco says:

    This is worthy. One of these WILL be in my duty rig. Now more than ever we can’t forget those who went ahead of us and stumbled. Fitting that they are making IFAKs. We gotta stick together like it used to be.

  3. Darrel says:

    That’s awesome.

    Just typing that really doesn’t explain how this makes me feel though. Something about that guy’s smile makes me feel like helping and contributing positively too.

  4. I just wanted to say thanks for the kind words. I read them to our members. For a Vet living on the edge of society, knowing that people care is more important than getting a paycheck.