
Tactical Revolution – AJAX Armor System Overview

Tactical Revolution has recently released a video which functions as an overview of their AJAX Armor System.

The AJAX Armor System is intended to protect the gunner from enemy fire into his shoulder area which is more lightly armored than the chest. Consisting of a Picatinny rail mount and associated armored 46100 steel plates, AJAX weighs 1.46 lbs per mount and 3.6 lbs per plate. Naturally, this means it’s meant for use in fixed positions but it can quickly be mounted and dismounted from the weapon.

Available through International Armored Group and manufactured by Tactical Revolution, LLC


10 Responses to “Tactical Revolution – AJAX Armor System Overview”

  1. bluenoser says:

    Does one have to pay the rights-holder to use such blockbuster theme music for commercial purposes?

    • Anthony says:

      Yes. It’s absolutely licensed music and usually costs a lot of money depending on even light usage rights. Which is why it’s bizarre to see Magpul Core using a MOGWAI song that they didn’t pay the rights to use.

      Firearms companies: Upset about intellectual property rights violations on their products, but steals music without paying for it.

      • bluenoser says:

        That’s what i was thinking, but didn’t want to come out swinging when I wasn’t certain.

        Cheers Anthony.

      • Mike says:

        You have proof Magpul didn’t pay, right?

      • PNW_Tree_Octopus says:

        “Firearms companies: Upset about intellectual property rights violations on their products, but steals music without paying for it.”

        Do you have any immediate proof for that statement or are you just checking off the boxes?

  2. An extra 10lbs when dismounted makes me cringe but this is a no brainer for fixed or mounted positions

    • Patrick says:

      Exactly what I thought: a fixed position or vehicle mounted? Why not. But adding that weight to a dismounted soldier and have them climb mountains in Afghanistan? I think I would politely decline. Not that you’d be given that option.

  3. seans says:

    Who needs a laser any way these days.

    • Chand says:

      Seriously now where is the IR laser designator supposed to go?

      We run those on the side rails. Wait, I know! We need MORE rails!

      Rails rails rails!!!